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httpd.conf only accessible until I would buy some stuff

PostPosted: 09. December 2023 14:56
by Udix
I open httpd.conf with my Win10 notepad and I get 1 screen page of if, but overlayed by an add for some commercial product for around 20-40 Euros. If I click onto the add's X to let it disappear httpd.conf closes as well , the whole page incl. httpd.conf disapears.
What the heck is gonig on here - is there some hacking somewhere?
Any ideas anybody?

Re: httpd.conf only accessible until I would buy some stuff

PostPosted: 11. December 2023 08:43
by Udix
Hello again - yeah - I've been hacked in the way I had described it above : on another computer of mine - notebook - the installation worked without problems . httpd.conf could be read without problems,