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View pages from archived files

PostPosted: 22. July 2023 16:08
by astravin
Good morning,

I was building a site locally with xampp, and it's the first time I've done it, I usually work directly online. Today mysql didn't want to work, to solve the problem, following an online guide, I overwrote the "mysql" backup folder in the "data" folder. An operation that I did superficially.. because I didn't notice that in the backup folder, xamp had never done a backup and therefore I overwrote the default files, in fact now xamp works, but it asks me to reinstall WP. It's not a great loss, I've been working on it for 1 week, but if I could view the pages already created, I'd have to rebuild everything first. Obviously the contents folder is intact. Question, is it possible to view them starting from the archived files?

Thank you

(I'm sorry but I don't know English)