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Problema com start mySQL

PostPosted: 19. July 2023 16:00
by bellonetom
This is the message:

11:50:58 [mysql] Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly.
11:50:58 [mysql] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
11:50:58 [mysql] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
11:50:58 [mysql] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
11:50:58 [mysql] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
11:50:58 [mysql] If you need more help, copy and post this
11:50:58 [mysql] entire log window on the forums

Re: Problema com start mySQL

PostPosted: 22. July 2023 07:46
by astravin
Hello, I have the same problem, plus I don't know the English language :)

Re: Problema com start mySQL

PostPosted: 23. July 2023 12:24
by trejder
The situation you are describing is a general error that can be caused by HUNDREDS, if not THOUSANDS of causes, sorry.

You already have a clue in the text that you are citing:

Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
the Windows Event Viewer for more clues

You may try to paste contents of these two sources here for us to try to investigate the problem for you.

But, as said, this can be caused by many, many, many cases and reasons. Starting from your system configuration, XAMPP settings, port blocking etc. etc.

Re: Problema com start mySQL

PostPosted: 26. July 2023 17:41
by trejder
LOL! :) And I don't know Spanish! :) Try to locate "Logs" button in the MySQL line in XAMPP Control Panel. Copy-paste them to and see, if you can get anything out of this?

¡JAJAJA! :) ¡Y no sé español! :) Intente ubicar el botón "Logs" en la línea MySQL en el XAMPP Control Panel. Cópielos y péguelos en y vea si puede sacar algo de esto.


Re: Problema com start mySQL

PostPosted: 01. August 2023 09:46
by Levris
I have this problem randomly without any reason at all, I explain today everything works fine, and I turn off the computer before going to bed in the morning nothing works anymore, there are simply no changes on my part. The XAMPP application is extremely unstable and unreliable, it can fail at any time. There is only one solution save the entire XAMPP folder before it broke, save it every day if you don't want to lose EVERYTHING without the possibility of recovery. I am very sorry that I decided to work with this application at all, it just can kill the entire database without being able to fix it. It's better not to develop any applications at all, and go to work on a construction site, than to develop something that breaks by itself :)

Re: Problema com start mySQL

PostPosted: 01. August 2023 10:01
by trejder
XAMPP is only a launcher that has most likely nothing to do about this. What you are showing is a problem with MySQL server.

If your problems are happening randomly them the only thing that comes to my mind is the fact that some software running in background is blocking your MySQL server from starting (from time to time) or that you MySQL installation is corrupted. You may start with completely uninstalling XAMPP package and installing it back. See, if that helps.

I would start with a completely freshly installed Windows (on some other computer) that has just the system and nothing else. Then I would install XAMPP only and see, if everything works. I would then start installing all the software that you have on your current computer, one-by-one, to see when XAMPP stops working.

Re: Problema com start mySQL

PostPosted: 01. August 2023 10:05
by Levris
I solve this problem by simply copying a previously saved XAMPP folder that worked fine yesterday The problem is in the application