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Help with vhosts on Windows

PostPosted: 12. March 2023 16:07
by hitsfmdj
For the life of me I been trying to do this for years on Windows. I always fail so end up install Ubuntu on a virtual machine and everything runs fine with that. And i'm tired of running a vm for every site. It takes up way to much resources. I use windows.

Problem is I must be really stupid because I have not been able to ever setup correctly these vhosts on windows so that I can use multiple domains and have their own "Home" directly. The closest I ever got with it all is getting multiple domains to hit the default httpdocs page and not very practical.

Also how does one work this in with subdomains? If I want a subdomain to have its own home directory? I know there are tons of tutorials online for this sort of thing and that is how I managed to get it to work on linux. seems like a pretty straight forward process with it. But Windows seems like a whole different ball park.

So if no one wants to give me a step by step for windows perhaps I might be lucky and someone has a link of a good tutorial that will work 100% on Apache friends. Thanks!

Re: Help with vhosts on Windows

PostPosted: 12. March 2023 18:52
by Altrea
Why not the other way around.
Describe to us what you do step by step and we can tell you how you can learn from things done wrong?

Re: Help with vhosts on Windows

PostPosted: 16. March 2023 23:28
by Froosh
As indicated, it might be more beneficial to share what you have done. I setup subdomains on my Windows 11 system with Apache a while back. It took a bit to figure it out from online resources. Partly because I misinterpreted things. Partly because I was not overly familiar with Apache configuration at the time. And partly because a lot of the online tutorials and info, at least many of what I found, are dated and did not line up with the Apache configuration files on my system.

It has been a bit since I set this up, and got it working, and I am still learning, and improving, so what I indicate here may be non-sense. If I recall the process involves the httpd.conf, the httpd-vhosts.conf file, the Windows hosts file, and if Apache is running, you need to restart it. That is about as deep as my notes went, so there may be more.

Again, as Altrea mentioned, let folks know what steps you've taken, and someone might point out what's wrong, and what to try.