Restoring backup from folders

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Restoring backup from folders

Postby Mojstary » 24. September 2022 10:34

hey, I’ve been making pretty simple website with tons of subpages. Since my database collapsed (I started topic about that 1 week ago -no answer :( ) I need to do something to make my site runs again. Thanks God, 1 month ago I made a copy of xampp folder. There’s everything untouched. Now I need to restore my site from the folder I mentioned above. I’ve tried a lot of solutions from stackoverflow but they didn’t help at all. Everything I try, I do on another computer to avoid getting things worse. Those solutions help me see the name of the database in phpadmin but there’s no data inside. So I thought I ask here, maybe someone know the answer. Just to add more details, I made my site with wordpress, I don't know whether it is important information or not.

To sum up: how to restore my site just from copy of xampp folder?
Posts: 2
Joined: 16. September 2022 19:12
XAMPP version: 8.1.6
Operating System: Windows 11 Pro

Re: Restoring backup from folders

Postby Froosh » 24. September 2022 14:15

I see from your other post that this is a WordPress site. If your backup is a month old, it will on contain WordPress content files, pages, and posts from the time when it was created. The pages and posts being present will depend on if your backup contains the MySQL files, as well, which it should, based on what you have mentioned above. But it will only contain whatever was in the database(s) and WordPress at that time.

You will have to fix your MySQL. It is good that you have been using a separate computer until now. I would make a copy of your "crashed" MySQL database files before attempting any repairs. Check around the forums, you should be able to find information on what you need to do. The repair steps depend a lot upon what is wrong. While stackoverflow and other resources are great, I find the trick is to dig enough to find an answer that relates to your specific issue, which is not always easy, sorry. When I had a problem with my MySQL instance, I found information that helped. For me, the simple answers of setting a flag in the configuration file, did not work. I did resolve my issue, but cannot be more specific here, as it has been a while.

With that said, when you do correct your database issue, configure at least MySQL to run as a Windows Service. I have run mine that way for months now, and not had any database issues since.
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Joined: 27. March 2022 17:56
XAMPP version: 8.2.0
Operating System: Windows 11 Pro

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