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Please clarify differences between XAMPP versions

PostPosted: 07. August 2021 18:54
by DavidEsp
Hi, I am trying to understand the different downloads available for XAMPP.
At the time of writing, the latest version (for Windows and other) appears to be 8.09
However there is also version 7.4.22 available - appearing to have become available on the same date as 8.0.9
Additionally, I see a "VS" suffix on the download for 8.0.9 whereas a "VC" suffix for 7.4.22
I am unclear what the difference is between (the meaning of) these suffixes
Maybe they refer to Visual Studio and Visual C++ ? If so, does that imply anything different about system requirements?
Currently my Windows 10 has Visual C++ Redistributable 2015-2019 (backwards compatible) installed.

Any clarification would be appreciated - I feel disorientated in this "new town" !

Thank you,

Re: Please clarify differences between XAMPP versions

PostPosted: 07. August 2021 21:21
by Altrea
Hi David,

The difference between XAMPP 8.0.9 and 7.4.22 is the containing PHP version. PHP is actively maintaining 3 different minor versions, therefor Bitnami releases three different XAMPP versions one for each PHP version.
VS16 defines the Visual C++ library against which Apache and PHP are compiled to. Visual C++ Redistributable 2015-2019 covers both VS16 and VC15, but be sure it is the 64 bit version you installed.

Re: Please clarify differences between XAMPP versions

PostPosted: 07. August 2021 21:59
by DavidEsp
Thank you Altrea !
That "brings me up to speed" nicely