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Not able to import MySQL database from prior one

PostPosted: 06. May 2021 06:09
by userapache123
Please help so that I can export MySQL database from prior MediaWiki into MySQL of XAmpp installed in a new Windows machine.

Following are the steps I took:

Downloaded and installed xampp-windows-x64-7.4.16-0-VC15-installer, as the latest mediaWiki can only support up to PhP 7.4

In C:\Xampp\php.ini, changed:
max_execution_time = 3600

Created a new database using Xampp control panel with name newmediawiki

Restart Apache and MySQL in Xampp using Control Panel

I had the priormediawikidb (exported from prior media wiki) saved in my C:\mediawiki, and saved it as zip, and another copy as sql extension (as I tried with both the formats). The priormediawikidb is 1.5 GB.

I tried exporting priormediawikidb into the newmediawiki using both Control panel and from the command line, but with no success.

When I try the control panel, I get an error shown on the Control panel as "Incorrect format parameter", so it was of no use.

I tried the following (tried with both sql extension and zip extension) from the command line as follows:

C:\Xampp\mysql\bin>mysql -u root newmediawikidb < "C:\mediaWiki\priormediawikidb.sql"

Also, tried (by changing the format of file from sql to zip) as:

C:\Xampp\mysql\bin>mysql -u root newmediawikidb < "C:\mediaWiki\"

By running from the command line (with both zip format and sql format) no error was thrown in the command line and I got the command line prompt back. I restarted Apache and MySQL, refreshed the PHP/MySQL browser (http://localhost:8082/phpmyadmin/), but I do NOT see the prior tables imported into newmediawiki.

The mysql_error.log does not give any information.

The prior MySQL was of version 5.0.27 if that matters.

The command prompt successfully returns but I do not see the tables into newmediawikidb.

I will appreciate any help.

Re: Not able to import MySQL database from prior one

PostPosted: 06. May 2021 09:46
by Nobbie
Can you provide a link to the backup file?

Re: Not able to import MySQL database from prior one

PostPosted: 08. May 2021 05:44
by userapache123
Hello Nobbie,
Can you please explain what you mean by "provide a link to the backup file"? The prior database file is a sql file of size about 1.5GB and when compressed as zip, the size becomes much smaller (around 200 MB).

When I use the GUI of Xampp control panel, it says "Please be patient" and I waited like that for an hour and perhaps the browser gets stale. I re-start Apache and MySQL and the mediawiki database did not get populated with the tables from the prior database.

I tried importing the tables to the existing database of "mysql" using GUI and the same behavior and the browser sits with "Please be patient".

If I try to do it using the command prompt, it returns without any error. Although re-start of Apache and MySQL does not show the new tables in mediawiki database.

Is there a log file that I can see? The mysql_error, php files do not show anything meaningful.

Re: Not able to import MySQL database from prior one

PostPosted: 09. May 2021 11:07
by Nobbie
I want to download that backup file in order to analyze it. Maybe to install it in my environment, in order to find out what is going wrong.