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Live Site is down - how to install live site on localhost?

PostPosted: 22. March 2021 11:30
by bookie56
Hi guys!
I have a been neglectful in backing up my live site and it has major host only keeps copies from 7 days ago and that hasn't helped.
I have an old backed up copy on my computer and the database for it created at the same time...
I would like to set it up in Xampp but wonder about changes to files that need to be done to get it too work on localhost?
Can anyone guide me through the process....
I am more interested in seeing what I had on each page of my site so I can recreate them again


Re: Live Site is down - how to install live site on localhos

PostPosted: 22. March 2021 12:04
by Altrea
Hi bookie56,

Most of your questions rely on the web application you are using.
So for example if you are using wordpress, then it is wordpress specific if this is compatible with your local environment and what you have to do to bring this back to life locally.

Re: Live Site is down - how to install live site on localhos

PostPosted: 22. March 2021 18:29
by bookie56
ok thanks for the info :D
