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no login in phpmyadmin

PostPosted: 23. December 2019 07:27
by barzivb
Dear all

I downlaod Xampp 7.3.12 into win7.
when i install it the phpMyAdmin was blocked outside
so i found that i have to change in httpd-xampp.conf
Alias /phpmyadmin "/xampp/phpMyAdmin/" <Directory "/xampp/phpMyAdmin"> AllowOverride AuthConfig
Require all granted

when i did it i could access from outside the local host but directly without loin....and a add login

How can i add login any access to phpmyadmin from localhost and from outside ?

Best Regards

Re: no login in phpmyadmin

PostPosted: 23. December 2019 14:47
by Altrea
Hi Erez,

Changing the authentication method from pre-configured to a login form is pretty simple:
- open your /xampp/phpmyadmin/ file
- search for the line "$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type']"
- Change its value from "config" to "cookie"
- save the file.

That's pretty much it. Maybe you need to clear your browser cache to get it to work.

Best wishes,

Re: no login in phpmyadmin

PostPosted: 26. December 2019 22:16
by barzivb
thank you for replay.

now it doesnt enter at all it couldnt access with messege "access xampp security concept:access to the requested object is only availible from the local network".

this is inspite i tried from local host and

why it do that ?
best regards


Re: no login in phpmyadmin

PostPosted: 27. December 2019 14:37
by Altrea
Please show us the contents of your Apache access.log.
Which url does your browsers address bar show at the moment you get this error?