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7.3.7 - Apache & mysql conf file error

PostPosted: 04. August 2019 08:52
by tafibo

I notice in this new version some issue in the apache conf files which break application start (relative path issue). It is strange that the only guy with this issue... anyway see below all my change... Apache and mysql start well after that. To be able to debug I launch Apache executable directly on a dos windows (so you get all error message which are not trap by the control panel)

- httpd.conf:
ServerRoot must be a valid directory :
1. from "/xampp/apache" to "../xampp/apache"

DocumentRoot 'C:/xampp/htdocs' is not a directory, or is not readable:
1. from DocumentRoot "/xampp/htdocs" to DocumentRoot "../../xampp/htdocs"
2. from Directory "/xampp/htdocs" to Directory "../../xampp/htdocs"

- httpd-xampp.conf:
/xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-xampp.conf: Cannot load /xampp/php/php7ts.dll into server: Le module sp\xe9cifi\xe9 est introuvable. :
1. from "/xampp/php/php7ts.dll" to "../../xampp/php/php7ts.dll"
2. from "/xampp/php/libpq.dll" to "../../xampp/php/libpq.dll"
3. from "/xampp/php/php7apache2_4.dll" to "../../xampp/php/php7apache2_4.dll"

- httpd-ssl.conf:
for error log of vhost defined at /xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf:121
1. from <VirtualHost _default_:443> to <VirtualHost *:443>
2. from DocumentRoot "/xampp/htdocs" to DocumentRoot "../../xampp/htdocs"
3. from ErrorLog "/xampp/apache/logs/error.log" to ErrorLog "../../xampp/apache/logs/error.log"
4. from TransferLog "/xampp/apache/logs/access.log" to TransferLog "../../xampp/apache/logs/access.log"
5. from CustomLog "/xampp/apache/logs/ssl_request.log" to CustomLog "../../xampp/apache/logs/ssl_request.log"

- my.ini:
[ERROR] Can't find messagefile 'C:\xampp\mysql\share\errmsg.sys'
1. from basedir = "/xampp/mysql" to basedir = "../xampp/mysql"
2. from datadir = "/xampp/mysql/data" to datadir = "../xampp/mysql/data"
3. from innodb_data_home_dir = "/xampp/mysql/data" to innodb_data_home_dir = "../xampp/mysql/data"
4.from innodb_log_group_home_dir = "/xampp/mysql/data" to innodb_log_group_home_dir = "../xampp/mysql/data"

then the error is now : Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB in windows event
the solution found is :
- uncoment ship-innodb in my.ini
- change command line from mysql\bin\mysqld --defaults-file=mysql\bin\my.ini --standalone to mysql\bin\mysqld --defaults-file=mysql\bin\my.ini --standalone --default-storage-engine=myisam

then all is working well

Re: 7.3.7 - Apache & mysql conf file error

PostPosted: 04. August 2019 11:18
by Altrea
I have tried to reproduced this issue, but i couldn't.
On my fresh XAMPP 7.3.7 installation all is running smoothly with relative paths.

Which XAMPP version did you use exactly (full filename of the installer)?
Did you adjust your paths with help of the setup_xampp.bat script?

Re: 7.3.7 - Apache & mysql conf file error

PostPosted: 04. August 2019 11:52
by Nobbie
tafibo wrote: t is strange that the only guy with this issue...

Because it does not happen in a standard default installation. You must have changed "something" and after you did not run setup_xampp.bat correctly. Where is your Xampp folder? And is it your first and only Xampp installation?