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apache error after netbeans installation

PostPosted: 27. July 2019 11:40
by rrizwanahmed
Dear gurus,
I am new learner in Apache and PHP, last time I installed netbeans 11 in xampp to learn PHP and after 2 days when I try to start xampp Apache i receive following error.
3:37:07 PM [Apache] Attempting to start Apache app...
3:37:08 PM [Apache] Status change detected: running
3:37:08 PM [Apache] Status change detected: stopped
3:37:08 PM [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
3:37:08 PM [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
3:37:08 PM [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
3:37:08 PM [Apache] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
3:37:08 PM [Apache] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
3:37:08 PM [Apache] If you need more help, copy and post this
3:37:08 PM [Apache] entire log window on the forums

xampp v.3.2.3 , windows 10 64bit, nothing changed by me or updated in xampp only installed netbeans .
Please help to solve this issue, i this its due to netbeans or your expert help required.

Re: apache error after netbeans installation

PostPosted: 27. July 2019 15:12
by Nobbie
As it looks, "Apache Netbeans" also comes with its own Apache. You cannot run Apache twice, either run Netbeans OR run Xampp. Apache needs Port 80 for the HTTP Requests and Port 80 only can be used by NetBeans Apache or Xampps Apache.

Why did you install NetBeans AND Xampp?

Re: apache error after netbeans installation

PostPosted: 06. August 2019 09:57
by rrizwanahmed
i thought netbean 11 is a php editor (like Notepad++)

Re: apache error after netbeans installation

PostPosted: 06. August 2019 10:40
by Altrea
Netbeans is a IDE (integrated development environment).
It comes with plenty of additional modules and software.

Re: apache error after netbeans installation

PostPosted: 06. August 2019 10:48
by Nobbie
Its far more than only an editor.

But anyway, maybe Netbeans does not come with an Apache installation (it says, it comes with an "Webfrontend" for HTML5/PHP; but I dont know, what they mean by that), you have to find out the reason, why Xampp does not start anymore. I cannot see your PC and that error message only means, that Apache could not start, mostly due to blocked ports. If its not Netbeans, you might have installed a Windows Update, i know from other requests that one of the last Updates installs and starts Microsoft IIS (the Microsoft HTTP Webservices), which also collides with Xampp. Thats one of many reasons why i do not use Windows anymore. Its annoying and and Microsoft installs what they want, when they want. I am very happy with Linux instead.

You have no other option than running taskmanager (and the Network button in Xampps Start Dialog) and try to find out, which process collides with Xampps Apache.