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Can't reach my website from the Web

PostPosted: 24. November 2018 06:09
by Dolgensteinn

I cannot reach my website from the web. (IP:

I'm running WAMPserver XAMPP 7.2.12 / PHP 7.2.12.

The site is reachable from inside (at localhost).

I have put "Require all granted " both in httpd.conf and httpd-vhosts.conf.

What should I do???

Please help!!!!!!!!

Re: Can't reach my website from the Web

PostPosted: 24. November 2018 20:00
by Nobbie
How is the server connected to the internet? Do you use a router, or is it connected directly?

P.S.: I tried "ping" in a shell, nothing happened. Seems you have a serious problem with TCPIP. At this stage, no Apache nor any Webserver is involved, as long as "ping" does not resolve your IP, you have problem with your network.