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Vhost, Chrome choose the DocumentRoot :(

PostPosted: 11. April 2018 09:43
by lbottoni
down vote

I have a very strange problem with chrome. I have created a new vhost in xampp and the configuration it's very basicaly.

in Firefox work fine and i see "pippo 3" in the page.
in IEwork fine and i see "pippo 3" in the page.
in Chrome not work fine and i see "hello world" in the page.

it's not the first vhost in my xampp , but this is only one that have this crazy leads.

Define myhost
Define DocumentRoot C:\xampp\htdocs\test

Code: Select all
<VirtualHost ${myhost}:80>
DocumentRoot ${DocumentRoot}
ServerName ${myhost}
DirectoryIndex index.localhost.html index.php index.html index.htm

<Directory "C:\xampp\htdocs\test">
    AllowOverride none
    Require all granted

I have removed all caches from any browser, but i can not understand why chrome not want work correctly.


if i try to change the VHOST port in 9999 (<VirtualHost ${myhost}:9999>) the xampp not work :evil: it's a very wrong lead :roll:
computer and xampp restarted many times

Re: Vhost, Chrome choose the DocumentRoot :(

PostPosted: 11. April 2018 13:44
by Altrea

Re: Vhost, Chrome choose the DocumentRoot :(

PostPosted: 12. April 2018 00:40
by Nobbie
What are these Define statements and the $-Parameters? Thats not a valid syntax for Apache, i havent seen that before.

Re: Vhost, Chrome choose the DocumentRoot :(

PostPosted: 12. April 2018 05:42
by Altrea
Nobbie wrote:What are these Define statements and the $-Parameters? Thats not a valid syntax for Apache, i havent seen that before.

It is part of the Apache core ... tml#define