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How to access my MariaDb user manuals

PostPosted: 13. November 2017 05:57
by LivingLearning
Hi all,
Here's an easy one i'm sure.
I'm having trouble working with Prepared Statements with my PDO/MariaDb connections and want to check the MariaDb usermanual quickly to see if there are 'syntax' examples in it for the ver I have.
I am running Mariadb 10.1.26 w/Apache server 2.4.27 on win 8.1
I don't know if these are accessible via phpMyAdmin or if that is just totally different.
I won't get into details of my prob here until i check out the user docs to see if i can solve it myself.
It gets confusing trying to get advice from web searches when not knowing what ver of stuff they are using.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance,