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Xampp Phpmyadmin issue when using phalcon scaffold devtool

PostPosted: 11. October 2017 02:09
by kennyshergold
I am having an issue when using phpmyadmin after creating a project using phalcon devtools. I create the project using 'phalcon create-project' in the command prompt and then I use 'phalcon scaffold --table-name nozzle'. The table created in phpmyadmin that I am linking to is called 'nozzle'. When I open up the nozzle view in the xampp localhost it displays with no problem but when I try to create a new nozzle in the table, I fill the fields with the appropriate information and when I hit the save button it displays 'field name is required' for every field in the table. Is there a specific setting in phpmyadmin that must be set up in order for it to accept the inputs? Please advise.