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imported wordpress site doesn't real work on XAMPP

PostPosted: 06. August 2017 14:52
by tryingtogolocal
Hi there,

my apologies in advance for the novice questions but I'm just finding my feet here.

I'm trying to set up a copy of my live wordpress travel blog on localhost using XAMPP.

So far I have managed to:
+ Install XAMPP and get it running
+ Install Wordpress locally
+ Export my blog from as an XML file
+ increase the max file size limit in php to cope with a couple of large map files
+ Import that XML file to wordpress locally and have it import the media files from my live site.

That all seems to have gone OK (albeit after some experimenting). However when I access the site via local host it doesn't work in the same way. All the content is there but in one long page rather than being navigable as it is on the live site.

It seems I may have messed one or more crucial steps in setting up things locally and I would appreciate any advice that would help me to complete this.

Many thanks in advance,


Re: imported wordpress site doesn't real work on XAMPP

PostPosted: 06. August 2017 16:27
by Altrea

Wordpress has a migration guide which tells you in detail which problems can occure and how to prevent them.

In your case you missed to set the site url to the correct new url. So this is completely a wordpress configuration issue.

Best wishes,

Re: imported wordpress site doesn't real work on XAMPP

PostPosted: 07. August 2017 10:33
by tryingtogolocal
Hi Altrea,

thanks for your reply - I may be misunderstanding your advice but the siteurl and home fields within wp_options have already been set to the new value "http://localhost/wp".

If this is not what you meant I would appreciate a little more guidance.

kind regards,


Re: imported wordpress site doesn't real work on XAMPP

PostPosted: 07. August 2017 10:44
by Nobbie
tryingtogolocal wrote:I would appreciate a little more guidance.

A Wordpress Forum would be the right place for more guidance, thats what Altrea meant by "this is completely a wordpress configuration issue". This forum cannot provide WordPress support, we support Xampp only.

Re: imported wordpress site doesn't real work on XAMPP

PostPosted: 07. August 2017 11:05
by Altrea
tryingtogolocal wrote:when I access the site via local host it doesn't work in the same way. All the content is there but in one long page rather than being navigable as it is on the live site.

This tells me that there are some asset files (css, javascript, etc) that cannot get loaded properly. Most common reason for this is a misleading URL which ends in a HTTP STatus error 404 for these files.
But i don't know wordpress that much and cannot provide any support for this.

Re: imported wordpress site doesn't real work on XAMPP

PostPosted: 07. August 2017 13:44
by tryingtogolocal
thanks for the steer in the right direction - a wordpress forum has identified an issue with a missing theme.