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Is the default documentation out of date?

PostPosted: 23. June 2017 03:27
by RobertAB
Hello everyone,

I've been setting up a new local development server on my computer and was glad to find a list of useful how-to guides bundled with the XAMPP htdocs.

However after following those how-to's exactly on a default Windows 10 install I've found that they don't appear to work as written.

In particular the virtual hosts how-tos:
Configure Virtual Hosts (located at /dashboard/docs/configure-vhosts.html)
Configure Wildcard-Based Subdomains

In order to configure virtual hosts the documentation says that to add a virtualhost you need to add entries to your httpd-vhosts.conf like:
Code: Select all
<VirtualHost *:80>
       DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/"
       ServerName localhost
<VirtualHost *:80>
       DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/apps/wordpress/htdocs"
       ServerName wordpress.localhost

However this seems to result in a 403 error unless you add a directory directive to each entry like follows:
Code: Select all
<VirtualHost *:80>
       DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/apps/mywebsite"
       ServerName mywebsite.localhost
       <Directory "C:/xampp/apps/mywebsite">
              Require all granted

I still haven't managed to get wildcard subdomains working despite following the guide. It simply returns a 403 error for any sites that don't have a specific virtual host entry (for more details you can see my stack overflow question here )
Is the documentation out of date, or does the default install on Windows 10 need different settings for some reason?

Sorry if this isn't the correct place to post this, I couldn't find a specific page for discussing or submitting bug reports regarding the documentation.

Re: Is the default documentation out of date?

PostPosted: 23. June 2017 09:29
by Nobbie
RobertAB wrote:Is the documentation out of date, or does the default install on Windows 10 need different settings for some reason?

I think, neither nor. These HowTo Guides seems to be brand new and simply not yet tested. Feel free to join the Bitnami Team and apply your ideas and fixes. My personal opinion: i cannot see the idea of a "HowTo" about Apache (Xampp is only a distribution, not the software itself), as there is already a very good documentation which is complete and up to date. This "Xampp HowTo" covers only a very small amount of configuration options, i would never go there to look for a special configuration. If I were Bitnami, i wouldnt apply a "HowTo" about Apache. I simply would provide a link to the Apache documentation.