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foribbiden acces

PostPosted: 01. December 2016 04:10
by ari701
I'm work with a framework and i try to run an "hellow world" in package application and make a problem acces denied or this...

You do not have permission to access the requested object. The object is protected against reading or the server you can not read it.

If you think this is a server error, please notify your portal administrator .

Error 403

Apache / 2.4.23 (Win32) OpenSSL / 1.0.2h PHP /

I'm work with the port 8080 and anything¡

help me please¡¡¡ :(

Re: foribbiden acces

PostPosted: 01. December 2016 14:16
by Nobbie
ari701 wrote:You do not have permission to access the requested object. The object is protected against reading or the server you can not read it.

Which part of this message is unclear? You ( = the User which executes Apache, either yourself or the SYSTEM User if you started Apache as a Service) have not sufficient rights (Windows rights) to access the file (i dont know which, you did not tell us) which you want to run. This usually happens, when Xampp is NOT installed at c:/xampp (as recommende), but in c:/program files/.... or on a different Drive or on a network drive.

ari701 wrote:I'm work with the port 8080 and anything¡

Why that?? It is not recommended to use another Port than the preconfigured Port 80. Unfortunately you also did not tell us, what you entered into the browser in order to run your script. This again makes it extremly hard to give any hint.

Re: foribbiden acces

PostPosted: 02. December 2016 18:36
by rich8899
I hate this error to my guts. It is the user permissions issue. For me, I am only using my code on my development server and not for public use, I just simply change every file to 777. It has nothing to do with the server.