Xampp 7.0.9 Portable : portable Oracle Instant Client ?

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Xampp 7.0.9 Portable : portable Oracle Instant Client ?

Postby mach128x » 13. September 2016 23:07

Hi everybody,

So I said in my other post, I'm having issues with Apache and Oracle oci.dll (under Xampp 7.0.9 Portable). That made me think about something else.

Before Xampp I have been using various other dev tool, notably the Portable edition of Toad for Oracle, in which I simply dumped the Oracle Instant Client (at C:\ToadPortable\App\instantclient_12_1) for a truly portable solution that doesn't even involve Windows system variables like PATH.

So, is there a procedure to do the same thing with Xampp, i.e. dumping the Instant Client somewhere in the Xampp folder structure and setting Apache and/or PHP to look in that directory directly, avoiding the Windows system variables altogether ?

I Googled a lot and found mainly older/non-concluding post where people would put some of Oracle's dlls in the ext folder of PHP and it wouldn't really work.

Thanks in advance
Posts: 4
Joined: 03. September 2016 19:19
XAMPP version: 7.0.9
Operating System: MS Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 /10 Pro

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