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Can't access apache from local computers

PostPosted: 18. August 2016 01:18
by mdsouth3
I just installed a new xampp package (5.6.23) for windows to upgrade a previous package (5.4.27). I kept the old installation, and can run either package from their respective control panels. I can reach the old install from localhost and any other computer on my house network with no problem. However, I can only reach the new install using localhost. Any other computer times out trying to reach a valid page. I have been over the httpd.conf file for the new package many times, comparing to the old installation. Both use the directive "Listen 80". Everything else is the same as well. Both show they are listening on port 80 on the control panel. Same browser, same computers, same server, same firewall, same web pages... Can anyone help?


Re: Can't access apache from local computers

PostPosted: 18. August 2016 15:39
by Altrea
mdsouth3 wrote:Any other computer times out trying to reach a valid page.

Please specify "valid page"?

Re: Can't access apache from local computers

PostPosted: 18. August 2016 22:08
by mdsouth3
By valid page I mean a page hosted on the local server...

Re: Can't access apache from local computers

PostPosted: 18. August 2016 22:37
by Altrea
Give us a specific example:
- save path and name of the file
- url used by the clients browser
- Apache access.log entries

Otherwise noone will be able to identify that issue

Re: Can't access apache from local computers

PostPosted: 19. August 2016 00:54
by mdsouth3
file location: Z:\htdocs\html\chapticowood\beta\source\index.php
http://localhost/html/chapticowood/beta/source/index.php --> retrieves page correctly -- will not retrieve page
- Chrome says: This site can't be reached. took too long to respond
- Mozilla says: The connection has timed out. The server at took too long to respond
- IE says: Hmm... we can't reach this page.

A successful retrieval by localhost generates this log entry:
::1 - - [18/Aug/2016:19:32:34 -0400] "GET /html/chapticowood/beta/source/index.php HTTP/1.1" 200 18289 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36"

An unsuccessful retrieval by any other client does not generate an entry in the log.

The document root in httpd.conf is:
DocumentRoot "Z:/htdocs"
<Directory "Z:/htdocs">

Re: Can't access apache from local computers

PostPosted: 19. August 2016 01:00
by Altrea
So Apache will never get the request. The problem must be somewhere else like security software or network interface

Re: Can't access apache from local computers

PostPosted: 19. August 2016 18:25
by gsmith
Since I see it mentioned nowhere (or I'm blind), Windows Firewall maybe?