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another newbie question - permissions

PostPosted: 22. May 2016 15:18
by CherryRed
Just to reassure anyone who might consider helping, I have already
...tried searching this forum
...checked for daft mistakes (to best my knowledge) with joomla menus, modules, user access etc
...have previously got this working on live site, but not now on localhost.

I'm trying to get a 'simple file upload' module to allow frontend upload of newsletters in pdf form
Where the module would load itself on the website frontend, there is instead an error message, with detail "you are not allowed to upload files to the server!"
Running joomla 3.5.1 on xampp 5.6.21 on windows 10.
I'm fairly new, self-taught, this is my second site ever, grateful for help.

Welcome opinions if this problem to do with my local hosting setup (or not...) and what to do next.
Thank you

Re: another newbie question - permissions

PostPosted: 22. May 2016 16:33
by Nobbie
Its a Joomla Message, i dont know Joomla well. Sorry.

Re: another newbie question - permissions

PostPosted: 22. May 2016 17:53
by CherryRed
Thank you - that helps me know where to go and ask.
Appreciate the reply.