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Unable to access sub-directory

PostPosted: 23. February 2016 19:15
by netdev

We had a legacy application running in an old VM that failed on us and I've been tasked with getting it back online temporarily so that we can use it again until we decommission it. The application was developed by an old employee years ago and they were very considerate in providing no documentation at all. What I do know is that the application was developed in Drupal with a MySQL DB back end.

I've built a clean Windows Server 2012 R2 VM and installed XAMPP 5.6.15 on it, only Apache and MariaDB (MySQL) as those are the only two components that I need. I think I've got the DB table structure and data built as it should be. I've opened up firewall ports and am able to hit the htdocs root directory which redirects me to the /dashboard sub-directory without issue. What I am unable to do is hit the sub-directory that contains the application, /sd.

When I go to localhost/sd or IPADDRESS/sd from another machine in both cases I get a 404. When I check the Apache access logs I can clearly see the request come in but that Apache returns a 404. I noticed that when I copied the sub-directory there were existing .htaccess files which I removed (although I suspect I'll have to replace and modify them for the application to work as intended). I've also modified the httpd.conf to alternatively explicitly allow access to the required sub-directory or define it as a virtual site, both to no avail (although I am not able to guarantee that I did these properly).

Please help!

Thanks in advance!

Re: Unable to access sub-directory

PostPosted: 23. February 2016 22:18
by Altrea

You wrote a wall of text but not much helpful information to debug your problem remotely.
We don't know anything about your folder structure, full error messages, configurations, ...

best wishes,

Re: Unable to access sub-directory

PostPosted: 23. February 2016 22:27
by netdev
Hi Altrea,


Root is: C:\xampp\htdocs\
Within Root is the default folders that come in XAMPP: "dashboard", "img", "webilizer", and "xampp". I've also added "sd" which contains the drupal application the former employee built.

There is no error message. If I access http://localhost/sd from the server itself or remotely then I just get a blank page. Within the apache/logs/access.log file I do find entries corresponding to the request: - - [23/Feb/2016:15:52:53 -0500] "GET /sd/ HTTP/1.1" 404 - "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.109 Safari/537.36"
::1 - - [23/Feb/2016:13:36:06 -0500] "GET /sd/ HTTP/1.1" 404 - "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"

I'm using the default, out-of-the-box configuration that came with XAMPP, any changes I've made in trying ot debug this myself I've reversed.

Anything else I can provide?

Re: Unable to access sub-directory

PostPosted: 23. February 2016 22:31
by Altrea
Does the folder C:\xampp\htdocs\sd\ exist?

Please do a simple test: create a index.php file with a simple echo statement and save this as C:\xampp\htdocs\test\index.php
Try to request that file by URL http://localhost/test/index.php

Re: Unable to access sub-directory

PostPosted: 23. February 2016 22:34
by netdev
That does work, for some reason.

Re: Unable to access sub-directory

PostPosted: 23. February 2016 22:41
by JJ_Tagy
A Drupal install from another system... It probably has the configuration set to the old host name.

Re: Unable to access sub-directory

PostPosted: 23. February 2016 22:47
by netdev
Hi JJ_Tagy,

I've tried to build the new system to match the old system identically. Same host name, IP address, created identical username & password within the MySQL instance. I realize this is not a Drupal forum, but any advice or direction you can give would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Unable to access sub-directory

PostPosted: 23. February 2016 23:49
by JJ_Tagy
And grant? What drupal version? may want to check compatibility with php version. php.ini config? What did the .htaccess files look like? Perhaps there was a redirect/rewrite included.

Re: Unable to access sub-directory

PostPosted: 24. February 2016 00:10
by JJ_Tagy
Also, did you check your /sd/sites/default/settings.php ?

Re: Unable to access sub-directory

PostPosted: 24. February 2016 17:49
by netdev
Well, that worked. I reverted the VM back to before I installed a version of XAMPP with an older PHP & MySQL version. Now it's working! Seems I didn't replicate the environment precisely.

Thank you JJ_Tagy & Altrea for all your help!

Re: Unable to access sub-directory

PostPosted: 24. February 2016 19:00
by netdev
Well, it didn't work exactly. When I moved the sub-directory over it worked but as soon as I copied the MySQL tables over then it stopped again. Must be a confiuration issue in drupal.

I still appreciate all the help but I guess I'll have to go over to a Drupal forum.

Thanks again!