[Q&A] Insufficient debug information - base information

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

[Q&A] Insufficient debug information - base information

Postby Altrea » 05. February 2014 06:16

What can you expect from this thread?

A helper is of the opinion, that you don't provide enough information you could have given to identify either your problem or the next steps of debugging. Because that happens way to often, this frequently given answer post here is created to give you detailed instructions, what you can do better to help us helping you.

Which information is needed?

XAMPP version
This should contain;
  • version number (can be found in your \xampp\readme_en.txt file or at the orange XAMPP administration page)
  • bundle version (full, portable, lite)
  • install file type (.exe, .zip, .7z)

There are multiple ways to read out at least the version number:
  • the full filename of the downloaded xampp installation file (e.g. xampp-win32-1.8.3-2-VC11.zip)
  • the headline of the dashboard http://localhost/dashboard
  • the first lines of the control panel log
  • the \xampp\htdocs\xampp\.version file
  • the \xampp\readme_en.txt or \xampp\readme_de.txt file
  • derivated from the PHP version number
P.S.: v3.2.2 which can be found in the control panel is not a valid XAMPP version number, thats the version number of the control panel component only.

operating system version
This should contain:
  • Major version (Windows 8.1 for example)
  • edition (RT, Professional, Ultimate, Enterprise, Embedded, etc.)
  • bit compilation (32bit/x86 or 64bit/x64)
  • Service Pack level (e.g. SP1 - obsolet for Windows 10 versions)

XAMPP installation path
  • C:\xampp\
  • J:\xampp\ (portable usb device)
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\xampp\
  • C:\Users\UVW XYZ\Desktop\xampp-win32-1.8.3-2-VC11\xampp\
  • \\\share\xampp\ (network share)

any configuration changes made since installation
Did you execute some script?
Or used the XAMPP security script?
Or changed anything in the config files?

full qualified issue report
This should contain three information
  • actions (What exactly do you do)
  • expected reactions (What do you expect should happen)
  • received reactions (What really happens)
This also includes full error messages

XAMPP control panel log
Either from the XAMPP control panel log window itself or from the \xampp\control-panel.log file
We need the entire log contents beginning with the line
[main] Initializing Control Panel

Log file contents of the specific component
Mostly accessible with help of the Logs buttons in the control panel

  • \xampp\apache\logs\error.log
  • \xampp\apache\logs\access.log
  • \xampp\php\logs\php_error_log
  • \xampp\mysql\data\mysql_error.log

Windows event log entries of the specific component
(only needed if running the component as windows service)

Updated information after changes
If you do any changes after providing us debug information the basic conditions will change. Maybe your general problem is not solved then but now the reasons for this can have changed. Already given information can now be different so check if they are and give us updated information so that we can reappraise the situation.

Any other by a helper requested information
Some issues require additional debug information to identify and solve it.
We don't provide any support via personal channels like PM, email, Skype, TeamViewer!

It's like porn for programmers 8)
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AF Moderator
Posts: 11966
Joined: 17. August 2009 13:05
XAMPP version: several
Operating System: Windows 11 Pro x64

[Q&A] Insufficient debug information - Apache starting issue

Postby Altrea » 16. December 2015 03:23

What can you expect from this thread?

A helper is of the opinion, that you don't provide enough information you could have given to identify either your problem or the next steps of debugging. Because that happens way to often, this frequently given answer post here is created to give you detailed instructions, what you can do better to help us helping you.

Which information is needed?

XAMPP control panel started with elevated administrator rights
If you see a log message like the following
[main] You are not running with administrator rights!

Please close your XAMPP control panel and reopen it with elevated administrator rights (rightclick -> run as Administrator).
That way the control panel does have much more possibilities to identify problems with much more detail like blocking process names, etc.

full XAMPP control panel log window contents
The log window messages can contain very important information like port or service conflicts, permission issues, installation path, operating system, etc. That is the reason we need the full log contents not only the Apache related messages.

bad example
6:48:24 PM [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
6:48:24 PM [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
6:48:24 PM [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
6:48:24 PM [Apache] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
6:48:24 PM [Apache] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
6:48:24 PM [Apache] If you need more help, copy and post this
6:48:24 PM [Apache] entire log window on the forums

good example
8:11:27 PM [main] Initializing Control Panel
8:11:27 PM [main] Windows Version: Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit
8:11:27 PM [main] XAMPP Version: 5.6.14
8:11:27 PM [main] Control Panel Version: 3.2.2 [ Compiled: Nov 12th 2015 ]
8:11:27 PM [main] Running with Administrator rights - good!
8:11:27 PM [main] XAMPP Installation Directory: "c:\xampp\"
8:11:27 PM [main] Checking for prerequisites
8:11:27 PM [main] All prerequisites found
8:11:27 PM [main] Initializing Modules
8:11:27 PM [Apache] Problem detected!
8:11:27 PM [Apache] Port 80 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4!
8:11:27 PM [Apache] Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
8:11:27 PM [Apache] You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
8:11:27 PM [Apache] or reconfigure Apache and the Control Panel to listen on a different port
8:11:28 PM [main] Starting Check-Timer
8:11:28 PM [main] Control Panel Ready
8:11:28 PM [Apache] Attempting to start Apache app...
8:11:28 PM [Apache] Status change detected: running
8:11:28 PM [Apache] Status change detected: stopped
8:11:28 PM [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
8:11:28 PM [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
8:11:28 PM [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
8:11:28 PM [Apache] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
8:11:28 PM [Apache] the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
8:11:28 PM [Apache] If you need more help, copy and post this
8:11:28 PM [Apache] entire log window on the forums

response of the apache_start.bat script
You can find this script in your xampp root directory. Simply double click it and copy the whole output out of it.
This response can contain information about fatal errors like syntax errors in config files.

good example
Diese Eingabeforderung nicht waehrend des Running beenden
Bitte erst bei einem gewollten Shutdown schliessen
Please close this command only for Shutdown
Apache 2 is starting ...
httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 560 of C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Could not open configuration file C:/xampp/apps/wordpress/conf/httpd-prefix.conf: Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.

Apache konnte nicht gestartet werden
Apache could not be started
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .

Apache error log
You can open the error log with help of the Apache Logs button in your control panel. It is saved at \xampp\apache\logs\error.log

good example
[Mon Dec 07 22:08:38.179933 2015] [ssl:warn] [pid 6848:tid 244] AH01909: http://www.example.com:443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Mon Dec 07 22:08:38.423947 2015] [ssl:warn] [pid 6848:tid 244] AH01909: http://www.example.com:443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Mon Dec 07 22:08:38.517952 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 6848:tid 244] AH00455: Apache/2.4.17 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.2d PHP/5.6.14 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Mon Dec 07 22:08:38.517952 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 6848:tid 244] AH00456: Apache Lounge VC11 Server built: Oct 13 2015 10:54:13
[Mon Dec 07 22:08:38.517952 2015] [core:notice] [pid 6848:tid 244] AH00094: Command line: 'C:\\Xampp\\apache\\bin\\httpd.exe -d C:/Xampp/apache'
[Mon Dec 07 22:08:38.524953 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 6848:tid 244] AH00418: Parent: Created child process 1992
[Mon Dec 07 22:08:39.424004 2015] [ssl:warn] [pid 1992:tid 256] AH01909: http://www.example.com:443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Mon Dec 07 22:08:39.652017 2015] [ssl:warn] [pid 1992:tid 256] AH01909: http://www.example.com:443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
[Mon Dec 07 22:08:39.950034 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 1992:tid 256] AH00354: Child: Starting 150 worker threads.

Windows event log entries
The windows event log can contain helpful information if you are running Apache as Windows service or in case of fatal script aborts and exceptional program failure.
Search the system log and especially the application log for related messages of Apache httpd.exe

good example
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: httpd.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 53c79afa
Fault Module Name: php5ts.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 54640c2e
Exception Code: c00000fd
Exception Offset: 0011c8e2
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: d4eb
Additional Information 2: d4eb7cf28a4f910486e91a11f70d294f
Additional Information 3: c92e
Additional Information 4: c92e9815b05b540c168b003c9ae25504

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If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:

environment information
If not already present we need information about your environment like XAMPP version, operating system, installation path, etc. More to read at the main thread [Q&A] Insufficient debug information
We don't provide any support via personal channels like PM, email, Skype, TeamViewer!

It's like porn for programmers 8)
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AF Moderator
Posts: 11966
Joined: 17. August 2009 13:05
XAMPP version: several
Operating System: Windows 11 Pro x64

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