Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.


Postby 2sticks » 20. October 2015 18:04

Hi Folks,

I have a private family web site with a "Contact Us" page which allows the
user to send an email to me. I have been running this web site for about
20 years but always using a Linux server and a Perl interpreter.

Due to a gradual decrease in service from my ISP, I have chosen a new
ISP, uploaded all my videos and slide shows and it's all running perfectly
and I am highly delighted.

The problem is, this ISP only provides Windows servers and I cannot use
my existing 'Contact Us' code. My ISP has told me that PHP and Perl
scripting services have been enabled and should work OK.

I would have prefered to use Perl as I know it so well, but as I need a new
project to keep the "Little grey cells" working to their maximum, I decided
to use and learn PHP as my E-mail script. As I am an 83 year old, I'm not
sure I will succeed but I am determined to try.

I have Installed XAMPP and the Microsoft Visual C Plus and all is OK
except I have no idea what XAMPP does. All I need is a simple email
script for my 'Contact Us' page and I would be extremely obliged if a
member could lead me in the right direction.

Thank you in anticipation.

Kind regards,

Ben Bruce.
Posts: 2
Joined: 20. October 2015 17:33
Operating System: Windows 7 32 bit

Re: XAMPP Setup

Postby Nobbie » 20. October 2015 18:29

Xampp is a so called "distribution", which means, it is a "ready to use" collection of different software products. There are four very important basic products:

1) Apache, this is the most distributed Webserver Software in the WWW.

2) MySQL, a SQL Database System

3) PHP, a "Pre HTML" Interpreter

4) Perl, the well known Interpreter

Installing Xampp gives you the opportunity, to run and test your own HTML and PHP files/scripts (and as well Perl) on your own PC at home, instead of uploading everything to a remote server. The domainname, which is connected to your private server, is "localhost". To use Xampp, you have to put your own files and scripts into the "htdocs" folder of Xampp (which usually is in c:/xampp/htdocs) and to view it in your browser, you have to enter http://localhost/myfile.html or http://localhost/myfile.php, where myfile.html or myfile.php have to be stored in c:/xampp/htdocs/myfile.html. You may also create your own subfolder in htdocs, lets say myfolder and put your files there, this results in an URL like http://localhost/myfolder/myfile.php

Unfortunately, sending emails is not so quite easy as it should be, due to the fact, that all public email servers (like GMX or so) are blocking emails from private PCs (you will be identified by your dynamic IP, which is assigned to your router/PC by your provider), due to SPAM reasons. That makes it quite a little more difficult to send emails from your Xampp installation. Of course, there are solutions and workarounds, BUT at first I recommend, that you should learn a little more about your private server and get used in working with your own localhost. When you feel well in your environment, you should come back and we will work out a solution for your email problem.

Finally, i have to say, that it might look very easy to use Xampp and run your scripts on your local PC, but honestly, I dont think, that this is always the best way. You should think about simply running your files and test scripts on an online server, because these are well configured and emails arent blocked as from your local PC. Anyway, of course you may try to install and run Xampp, even to see how a webserver is working (this is a quite sophisticated environment) and learn about Apache etc.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: XAMPP Setup

Postby 2sticks » 22. October 2015 09:52

Hi, Nobbie

Thank you for your response to my email issue.

You were right that XAMPP would not be useful to get
the script to work on my server, but I have used it
as a local host to check that my scripts are correct
with no syntax errors.

I decided for now to use a Perl script as I know it
quite well, and leave PHP as a project when I have
more time. My email is now up and running and I am
more than happy.

Thanks for your guidance in this issue.


Ben Bruce.
Posts: 2
Joined: 20. October 2015 17:33
Operating System: Windows 7 32 bit

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