Cant reach xampp from remote PC

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Cant reach xampp from remote PC

Postby TShot » 05. August 2015 23:44

Hey all,

I know this problem is getting old and it has been asked plenty of times, but I am really stuck here.

In my network I can use localhost, no problems there. Everything works fine. Other PC's in my network can also see the site.

But when I try to access it from outside my network, all it shows me is a white page after some loadingtime. Pinging the Ip won't work either.

The best part is, it has worked before, so why not now?
I have tried with firewalls disabled in routers and windows. Altered the configfile with a #. Forwarded ports 80 and 21 to my server computer ip.

No luck so far.
I use a drytek router wich receives TV, phone and internet. Using 192.168.*.*. This goes straight to my Tplink router wich provides Dhcp for the PC's in my network. Using 10.0.*.*

Could this be te problem perhaps?
Please help me out!

Kind regards,
Posts: 1
Joined: 05. August 2015 23:27
Operating System: Windows 7

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