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Open website in Joomla article

PostPosted: 04. August 2015 12:50
by bollenboer
Hello forum,
Using Joomla 3.4.3 and xampp 5.6.8

Making an article on my pc I try to open the frontend of the website to see the result.
But that is not possible: the message Page can not be found is coming up.
When saving and closing the article the website is visible.

I did the same on my laptop and got the same result.
This does not work very pleasant of course.

What is going wrong ?

Re: Open website in Joomla article

PostPosted: 04. August 2015 13:29
by Nobbie
Probably a Joomla issue.

Re: Open website in Joomla article

PostPosted: 05. August 2015 10:57
by bollenboer
Hello Nobbis,
I made the same site on a subdomain of my host. No problem at all.
So I don't think it is caused bij Joomla.
It must have something to do with Xampp. Apache configuration may be ?

Re: Open website in Joomla article

PostPosted: 05. August 2015 11:18
by Nobbie
The problem may also be caused by different Operating Systems, most hosts are based on Linux Systems, whereas your Xampp is running under Windows.

The main problem is, that nobody here can help you about that, because we would have to install Joomla (which i even dont know) and to debug it, what is going wrong.

Did you look into the access log and into the error log? This will probably give you quite more informations about what is going wrong.

Re: Open website in Joomla article

PostPosted: 11. August 2015 21:45
by bollenboer
Hello Nobbie,
I cannot find the solution. Joomla writes problem is Xampp. Xampp writes problem is Joomla. :(

Re: Open website in Joomla article

PostPosted: 11. August 2015 22:08
by Altrea
It is 99,9% a Joomla problem.

How do you install Joomla?
Is this a fresh installation or a migration of a live server Joomla installation?
Which URL does your Browser show for a working Joomla request?
Which URL does your browser show at the time you get the 404 not found error?
What does your Apache access.log show?

Re: Open website in Joomla article

PostPosted: 15. August 2015 10:59
by bollenboer
Hi Altrea,
Sorry for the late answer> But here are the stadia of making / showing an article on the frontend:

1 Url fort he whole content:
2 Url for a new article
3 Url after saving article
4 Url for looking at the frontend :
Deze pagina kan niet worden weergegeven ( = page cannot be found)
No 404 error ! just this message
5 Url after saving and closing

6 Url for looking at the frontend of the website ( now showing the complete content normally)