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Increase import limit from 16384 Kib

PostPosted: 09. April 2015 04:47
by vinpkl

I am using xampp 1.6.7

I want to import 4MB sql file into Phpmyadmin

But on import page the limit is to 16384 Kib

see screenshot

How can i increase this limit

In Xampp/php/php.ini i have already set

post_max_size = 128M

upload_max_filesize = 128M

Does anyone has a solution to this problem ??


Re: Increase import limit from 16384 Kib

PostPosted: 09. April 2015 10:30
by Nobbie
16384 KB is equal to 16MB - so your upload should work. I think its restricted to memory limit or similar, but anyway, 16MB is much more than 4MB.

P.S.: You are using a very very old Xampp installation, as far as i found out, 16MB has been a hardcoded limit in PhpMyadmin many years ago.