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General Guidelines for Upgrading Xampp

PostPosted: 10. October 2014 22:45
by MarjWyatt
Desktop XAMPP Environment
PHP: 5.4.7
Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1
64-bit Operating System

Laptop XAMPP Environment
PHP: 5.4.19
Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1
64-bit Operating System

I primarily want to upgrade the Desktop version. I see that Xampp v1.8.3 includes PHP 5.5. Having PHP 5.5 is not essential but, as long as I'm investing the time, I may as well make the leap to v1.8.3. That should keep me good for a couple more years. :)

I've got a respository setup for all my sites on Tortoise SVN. Within each site's respository, I keep the latest database export. This comes in very handy because I work on 2 different machines.

There used to be a "sticky" thread for the steps to take when installing the latest version of Xampp but I can't find it on this forum anymore. It was pretty old. It related to upgrading from Xampp v1.7.x to v1.8.1.

I understand and appreciate that providing specific instructions for upgranding and/or installing Xampp isn't possible but I want to make sure that I've got the right basic formula here. That missing sticky post was so helpful the last time I did this. Would it be possible to create a new one of those?

In lieu of that missing sticky post, is there a list of general guidelines for upgrading Xampp?

Thank you, in advance, for the helpful information anyone offers in response.

Re: General Guidelines for Upgrading Xampp

PostPosted: 11. October 2014 10:55
by Altrea
I have reactivated the topic. It can be found here:

Because the topic is old it has to be revised.

Re: General Guidelines for Upgrading Xampp

PostPosted: 11. October 2014 16:43
by MarjWyatt
Thank you.

You mention that it needs to be revised. Can you tell us/me which items on the list are exclusive to Xampp 1.8.1?

Re: General Guidelines for Upgrading Xampp

PostPosted: 12. October 2014 06:00
by MarjWyatt
No need to update it for me. I got everything sorted on the desktop environment and I imagine that things will go as well on my laptop. You may want to update the sticky post for the rest of the Apache Friends Community though. I found a good amount of posts where people were looking for the thread you restored.

Thanks again for responding to my plea.