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XAMPP Control Panel confusion

PostPosted: 05. June 2014 05:29
by pepe_lepew62

First, I have been using XAMPP for years and can not say enough good things about it. Thanks to all those that make this happen. I recently installed the newest version 1.8.3 on Windows 8.1 and for the first time I am confused and could use some help please. I started up the Control panel and noticed a message " You are not running..." I did some searching and found that I have to right click the icon and run as administrator. I later found a better solution in going to the properties and then clicking "run as administrator". Okay, everything cool except that every time I load the control panel, I get the stupid UAC pop up. Is there a way to get rid of this...I mean, just for XAMPP without effecting the other UAC properties and programs? My next question is, all of a sudden I noticed boxes within the control panel that had red X's. Rolling the mouse over it, it says " Is installed as a Windows service? Regardless of whether it is filled with an X or check mark, when I click start, everything is working and normal. What is the purpose if this? I know this is probably very simple and dumb questions, but it confuses me and would like to know what is happening.

PS: Sorry, this is a double post. I accidently also posted in German, but English is waaay easier.

Re: XAMPP Control Panel confusion

PostPosted: 05. June 2014 11:18
by JJ_Tagy
Sounds like you are just not used to the newer control panel. If you don't need to adjust services, ignore running it as an administrator and the little red X indicators.

Re: XAMPP Control Panel confusion

PostPosted: 05. June 2014 17:29
by Altrea

pepe_lepew62 wrote:Okay, everything cool except that every time I load the control panel, I get the stupid UAC pop up. Is there a way to get rid of this...I mean, just for XAMPP without effecting the other UAC properties and programs?

Just for XAMPP: no.

pepe_lepew62 wrote:I noticed boxes within the control panel that had red X's. Rolling the mouse over it, it says " Is installed as a Windows service? [...] What is the purpose if this?

It indicates if you have installed a module as windows service or not. red cross means no, green tick means yes.

best wishes,