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EXIF Not Rendering Properly Since Moving to 1.8.3

PostPosted: 18. May 2014 10:53
by Ellsinore
I've been using exif_read_data to display WINXP data from .jpg images. It worked fine under 1.7.2, but since moving to 1.8.3 on Windows 7 I get question marks instead of the proper characters. I've been looking into this for awhile and when I use ini_set('exif.encode_unicode', 'UTF-8'); I get Chinese characters.

It's working on the production server, which uses PHP 5.4, and it *was* working on my XAMPP server until the change to 1.8.3. I've compared the php.ini files, and I can't find a difference that would account for this oddness. I've run out of ideas on what to check.