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Cannot view PhP pages in XAMPP

PostPosted: 18. April 2014 19:44
by dguynes
I have downloaded and installed XAMPP 1.8.3 for Windows (I am running Windows 7 x64)
I have IIS on the machine as well.
Changed the httpd.conf file to use port 81 instead of 80.
Started both Apache and MySQL.
Went to localhost:81 and I get the "Welcome to XAMPP for Windows!" window, which allows me to access the PhPMyAdmin.
XAMPP was installed to c:\xampp

So basically, it works. However, in the readme file that comes with xampp it states:
"Step 3: Start your browser and type or http://localhost in the location bar.
You should see our pre-made start page with certain examples and test screens."
In my case it would be localhost:81 ... but that takes me to the "Welcome to XAMPP for Windows!" and not to the htdoc files they have set up as the pre-made start page.

Ultimately, I have a php project that I would like to run, which I copied into C:\xampp\test
I would like my localhost:81 to point there (or localhost:81/test) ... but not sure how to do that.

I tried to change the httpd.conf as follows:
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/test"
<Directory "C:/xampp/test">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

but that did not help either.

It appears I am close. I can get XAMPP, Apache, and MySQL up and running ... just cannot seem to get my php pages rendered.
Does anyone have any recommendations? Thank you.

Re: Cannot view PhP pages in XAMPP

PostPosted: 18. April 2014 20:36
by Altrea
dguynes wrote:I tried to change the httpd.conf as follows:
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/test"
<Directory "C:/xampp/test">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

but that did not help either.

Please undo this change.

You can access project by url http://localhost:81/test

If you want to simulate a top or second level domain you would like to use namebased virtual hosts