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Accidentally replaced index.html in htdocs

PostPosted: 12. February 2014 03:03
by jmalmsten
almost brand new to the whole running my own server gig (excepting of course those courses for php-coding I went through about 10 years ago or so).

I Installed XAMPP 1.8.3-2-VC11... Everything went absolutely swimmingly. Local host worked and everything. Then I went ahead and "installed" the WordPress files... ahem... I put installed in quotation-marks because for some reason I didnt extract the files correctly. So when I copied the files over to c:\xampp\htdocs I got a prompt going "Hey! There is already an INDEX.HTML in this directory. Are you SURE you want to replace it?" I was tired and a noob. So I clicked yes without realizing what that file was used for. :)

So now when I go to localhost in my browser I get the configuration-page for wordpress since the regular page is effectively deleted and replaced... I'm facepalming all the way to bed right now because of this mishap (it's 3AM workday over here) :x

So I'm wondering. It was only the index.html in the htdocs that was replaced. So the situation should be salveagable. But I need to find the regular stock- index.html that usually resides there. But is it available outside of the installer? Or else, I am looking at a complete re-install of the whole XAMPP-package I presume?

Well, again. I messed up. But at least I am fairly certain of where it went wrong and how I could fix it. If I only can get hold of that one file... Anyone have any directions I can follow to obtain it?

Re: Accidentally replaced index.html in htdocs

PostPosted: 12. February 2014 03:36
by fhbc2003
You didn't lose much. The entire file (with brackets substituted here for the greater/less than symbols) is:
[html][body][h1]It works![/h1][/body][/html]

Re: Accidentally replaced index.html in htdocs

PostPosted: 12. February 2014 10:36
by jmalmsten
ok. Then I probably misread something in the instructions I am following ( if anyone is wondering). I'll go back to that and see what I find.