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The Index page is found through httpS but not through HTTP

PostPosted: 30. December 2013 14:26
by juanhdv
I have the same problem. I'm using XAMPP version 1.8.2-3.
The Index page (php or html) is found through httpS but not through HTTP.
The HTTP protocol is not serving any of the following URLs: http:\/\/(localhost|127\.0\.0\.1)\/(xampp\/)?index\.|php) (!!! possibilities expressed in RegExp notation). BUT httpS protocol is working all right. When using http I'm getting 404 Error (Not found).

>> Did you set a rewrite rule in httpd.conf or .htaccess file?
No I didn't

Thanks for any help.

[EDIT by Altrea]
  • splitted from original topic - one thread per unique user and issue rule
  • giving a more self speaking headline

Re: [ask] XAMPP Version 1.8.2

PostPosted: 30. December 2013 14:34
by JJ_Tagy
Perhaps you changed the http listening port away from 80?

Re: The Index page is found through httpS but not through HT

PostPosted: 30. December 2013 18:52
by Altrea
access.log entries of the specific requests would be helpful