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how to upgrade from php5.4 to php5.5.x version of my xampp ?

PostPosted: 18. November 2013 15:14
by capt_nemo777
I have a xampp with php version 5.4.4, how am I gonna upgrade only the php version, into the latest stable release from website?,
what i did was, I downloaded the thread safe binary version of php5.5.6 and extracted it to my xampp directory with a different folder name..
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then I opened C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-xampp.conf and edited the following lines

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LoadFile "C:/xampp/php556/php5ts.dll"
LoadModule php5_module "C:/xampp/php556/php5apache2_4.dll"

PHPINIDir "C:/xampp/php556"

I tried to restart apache but it won't start at how ?

Re: how to upgrade from php5.4 to php5.5.x version of my xam

PostPosted: 18. November 2013 18:40
by Altrea
Upgrading any of the single components is not supported with XAMPP.
Backup your data and restore it in a different XAMPP version is the way to go.

Re: how to upgrade from php5.4 to php5.5.x version of my xam

PostPosted: 19. November 2013 02:28
by capt_nemo777
how to back up all the databases within my mysql without having to do some exporting of sql dumps ?, becauase I have alot of databases within mysql

Re: how to upgrade from php5.4 to php5.5.x version of my xam

PostPosted: 19. November 2013 04:52
by Altrea
mysqldump is the answer