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Please Help ! XAMPP with mod_security not working

PostPosted: 10. September 2013 14:47
by wezmaster

I am facing a unique problem.

I am trying to install mod_security on xampp (windows).

I followed these steps :

1. Download and extracted
2. Tested the apache (works fine)
3. Downloaded
4. copied to apache/modules/mod_security2/
5. Edited HTTPD.conf to make these changes
LoadModule security2_module modules/mod_security2/
LoadModule unique_id_module modules/
6. started apache .. (it works and error log shows mod_security loaded)
7. copied modsecurity.conf to apache/conf/
8. Edited httpd.conf to add this line
Include conf/modsecurity.conf
9. started apache .. (It simply wont start. shows error and tells to check error.log. but nothing registered in error.log)
10. commented Include conf/modsecurity.conf in httpd.conf and started apache (it works)

I am going crazy doing this again and again.. cant figure out what and where it is going wrong. Please help.

Thanks and Regards,


Re: Please Help ! XAMPP with mod_security not working

PostPosted: 10. September 2013 15:56
by Altrea
Hi wezmaster,

very common you have not set the paths in your modsecurity.conf related to your environment.
Read the comments in your modsecurity.conf file for further information.

best wishes,

Re: Please Help ! XAMPP with mod_security not working

PostPosted: 11. September 2013 20:21
by wezmaster
Thanks a lot Altrea for pointing me in right direction..