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Enviroment Vars not set when using Control Panel

PostPosted: 31. July 2013 19:16
by w2pc
When you start apache from the control panel the environment variables are not being set properly.

When you start the CMD from the control panel the environment variable ARE set properly.

This is happening when XAMPP is ran as portable. Expected results: When I start apache environment variables should be set so they are populated to php properly

How to test..

From CMD in control panel
user@LAPTOP x:\Code\
# php -r "echo sys_get_temp_dir();"
user@LAPTOP x:\Code\

From phpinfo() ran inside webapp or from the /xampp directory in browser.
under core heading :: sys_temp_dir no value

This is the same with trying to use other environment variables when compaired to phpinfo() ran from control panel cli to phpinfo() ran in web browser (apache started in control panel)

Re: Enviroment Vars not set when using Control Panel

PostPosted: 01. August 2013 05:56
by Altrea
In which XAMPP version and which control panel version did you get this issue?

Re: Enviroment Vars not set when using Control Panel

PostPosted: 02. August 2013 03:53
by w2pc
Latest version and from the looks the previous version before that.. (windows 7)
CP 3.2.1 is what i have now but think the same issue on the version before that that had php 5.4

Re: Enviroment Vars not set when using Control Panel

PostPosted: 02. August 2013 06:46
by Altrea
we currently have no single latest version.
So please take a look into your \xampp\readme_en.txt for the correct XAMPP version number.