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Newbee - Error on Mysql_connect

PostPosted: 05. July 2013 03:16
by Jaykappy
I have this website running on my computer at work....everything works fine...
I just installed XAMPP and activated the Apache and MySQL db
I set a password for MySQL and gave it a password...this is the same password that I am using to connect to mySQL
I imported the tables needed for the web site I am testing with.

The index page calls this init.php page

* I am getting these errors: WHY IS my machine actively refusing it? how do I fix this? Is this a setting in XAMPP?
* I am NOT getting to the echos I am testing for in the 2nd connection attempt

Warning: mysql_connect(): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. in C:\xampp\htdocs\VisualUpload\init.php on line 8

Warning: mysql_connect(): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. in C:\xampp\htdocs\VisualUpload\init.php on line 13
Please try later.



// Start headers and sessions

// MySQL Connection
mysql_connect("", "Jason", "Passw0rd");

$mysqlConnection = mysql_connect("", "Jason", "Passw0rd");
if (!$mysqlConnection)
echo "Please try later.";
echo "connected";

// Include func files


Re: Newbee - Error on Mysql_connect

PostPosted: 05. July 2013 03:31
by JJ_Tagy
Did you change your listen port from 3306 to 3600?

Re: Newbee - Error on Mysql_connect

PostPosted: 05. July 2013 03:43
by Jaykappy
Bang...thats weird....dont know why that changed....maybe my mqsql port is 3600 on my computer at work...
either way its all fixed....THANKS.....cheers