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SSL Tutorial

PostPosted: 18. May 2004 06:29
by yonscun_lie
Hi I am very new to SSL,

Do you know how to use SSL with PHP?

Can someone give me a simple example?


PostPosted: 18. May 2004 06:31
by yonscun_lie
Oh 1 more thing

I am now using XAMPP latest version, It's running perfectly. My OS is windows ME (I don't know if SSL is affected by OS platform).

PostPosted: 19. May 2004 00:43
by MAGnUm
try https://localhost

as far as php: php is php, ssl is just a secure wrapper.


PostPosted: 19. May 2004 09:15
by yonscun_lie

By just write https://localhost I can use SSL capabilities from XAMPP?


I have read SSL on PHP manual, It's contain many function that I don't know how to use it :(

PostPosted: 19. May 2004 17:29
by MAGnUm
yes, to the first part.
as far as the options available with php. the php documentation is rather good.

PostPosted: 20. May 2004 06:55
by yonscun_lie
GREAT! https...looks like It's work. Thanks MAGnUm :)

Now How to use it?

I want to create An SSL secure login form (for learning purpose only).

MAGnUm can you give me a simple example?

ANyway thanks alot MAGnUm

PostPosted: 17. June 2004 10:57
by yonscun_lie
Hm....just take a shot

to use ssl capabilities on a login form (like hotmail) all I need to do is fill tag form like this :
<form method=post action=https://verified_login.php>

is that right?

Can someone tell me more about this? Like how to buy a new ssl certificate and apply it on xampp?

PostPosted: 27. June 2004 20:25
by MAGnUm
try they have all kinds of stuff. also it doesnt have to be secure, thats what ssl does it secures otherwise unsecure scripting.