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Host WP from XAMPP for temporary viewing

PostPosted: 27. February 2013 05:15
by ldjovian

I am new to Apache web servers and XAMPP. Here's what I'm trying to do, and failing at every attempt:

I need to show a client his wordpress site that I've been working on before it goes onto his web host live.

So, obviously I have ports forwarded, a static IP host, and the firewall configured. I think.

The problem: The site "loads", but not in wordpress format. I see the text from the wordpress site and the text formatting (colors), and that's the end of it. I tried fiddling with XAMPP settings, blew up XAMPP entirely, and had to re-do the Wordpress site (don't ask, I was VERY upset).

Now, before I blow up XAMPP again (backed up the entire WP site this time), how the crap can I tell XAMPP to allow people from outside to view my WP site as a WP site? I assume PHP and / or Java script is being blocked?

Re: Host WP from XAMPP for temporary viewing

PostPosted: 27. February 2013 05:34
by ldjovian
Oh, and it's a fresh install of XAMPP again. I couldn't recover whatever I did to blow it up. All settings are default, except a root password to the SQL database.

Re: Host WP from XAMPP for temporary viewing

PostPosted: 04. March 2013 18:03
by JonB
In my experience, you probably need to change the URL's in your WP Dashboard to match your external IP. It likely has nothing to do with XAMPP. BTW - if you place more than one WP install on your machine you may need some fancy dancing (hosts files entries), as either a WP multi-site install OR vhosts will probably be needed. You can avoid that by using a FQDN for your XAMPP machine, then vhosts will work properly.

Good Luck
