CrossPlatform Desktop PHP' under 100mb ?

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

CrossPlatform Desktop PHP' under 100mb ?

Postby vmars316 » 18. January 2013 20:56

Hello & Thanks ,
I installed xampp-portable-win32-1.8.1-VC9-installer.exe
It came as 68mb and installed as 400mb+ .
Is there a way I can whittle that down a lot ?

Is there such a thing as 'CrossPlatform Desktop PHP' under 100mb ?

Normally I program in HotBasic (freeware programs) .
But I am interested in crossplatform .
So it seems like javascript and php are quite platform independent .
Today I noticed a Php-Gtk crossplatform opensource package .
From what I have seen , I really like the PHP language .
I would like to write programs that run in Browsers ( IE , chrome , firefox , etc. ) .
And I need to use the FileSyatem , for *.txt files .
I know IE's *.hta can do this , but it is for IE only .

So I am looking for the smallest Desktop footprint possible ,
to develop php/html/javascript programs .
And more importantly ,
I am looking for the smallest Desktop footprint possible ,
to run these programs in .
Any advice/direction you can give me will be greatly appreciated .
Is there such a thing as 'CrossPlatform Desktop PHP' under 100mb ?
Can I run with just PHP , no apache ?
Btw: Can Php read/write *.txt files ?
Is there such a things as running php in the Browser ?
Posts: 6
Joined: 02. January 2013 07:26
Operating System: windows 7 x64 HomePremium

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