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php errors not resetting

PostPosted: 13. December 2012 14:58
by Tanoshimi
Good morning.
I recently moved my server, which was working fine, from linux to Windows 7, via XAMPP. Once set up, I started getting errors in the php. I've noticed that even though I've repaired the error, it's still showing up as a notice. As near as I can tell, these are my options:
- Silence/repress the notice
- Figure out how to reset the error log so it actually looks at the current php, not the old one that set it off.

I've refreshed/reset/rebooted and tried looking at it on a PC that has never seen my site before, but I'm still getting the error that I feel has been fixed. As for the specifics on the error, here they are:
Notice: Use of undefined constant php - assumed 'php' in C:\xampp\www\MyLibraryAnywhere\scripts\header.php on line 26

Line 26 used to read:
Code: Select all

but now reads:
Code: Select all

But if you view the site,, you'll see that it's still registering that notice, even though 'php' no longer appears in that line. I run two sites there, and I think I fixed the other one by just silencing the compiler, but I'd like to get this working correctly.

Not sure what version of XAMPP I have, but the control panel is v3.0.12 from June 24th, 2012.

Any help in getting the error log flushed so I can catch actual errors would be appreciated.

Re: php errors not resetting

PostPosted: 13. December 2012 15:10
by Altrea
Hi Tanoshimi,

Tanoshimi wrote:Line 26 used to read:
Code: Select all

What the hell? php?> is not valid in none php version.

Tanoshimi wrote:But if you view the site,, you'll see that it's still registering that notice, even though 'php' no longer appears in that line.

It must be still there so please double check the file.

best wishes,

Re: php errors not resetting

PostPosted: 13. December 2012 15:39
by Tanoshimi
I am well aware that's not valid. I'm also 1000% percent sure it's not there anymore. That's the whole reason I'm posting this, is I'm getting errors that have been fixed. Here is the header.php file that's causing the issue. It's the only file of that name on the server.

As you can see, that 'php' that should not have been there, is no longer there, yet you can visit the site (or any of the subsites) and that header still hangs that notice.
What exactly is it that posts the notice? And is there a way to reset that?

Resolved (sort of): php errors not resetting

PostPosted: 13. December 2012 15:54
by Tanoshimi
Ok, so I figured out what the problem was, and it still makes no sense, but at least I know where to look.

I'm using eclipse to edit my PHP files. In eclipse, the changes are taking effect. Even if I exit, reboot, and restart eclipse, that darn 'php' is gone.

But, when i actually load the "C:\xampp\www\MyLibraryAnywhere\scripts\header.php" file in Notepad++ I can see the stinkin' "php" is still there!

So, the issue is that edits made in eclipse are not being saved to the actual files in question. I made the repair in Notepad++ and the error is gone now. I'll post to the eclipse board to see why this is happening.

Thanks to all that took the time to help me.