fatal error class not found

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fatal error class not found

Postby thinker123 » 22. February 2012 20:51

I receive the following error, and I’m not sure if this is a xampp configuration issue or if this is a script code issue:

I have installed “php form builder class from google code”. Followed all of their instructions.

Page code is:
include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/PFBC/Form.php");
$form = new Form("GettingStarted", 300);
$form->addElement(new Element_Textbox("My Textbox:", "MyTextbox"));
$form->addElement(new Element_Button);

The browser returns the following message:
Fatal error: Class 'Form' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\php_test\Untitled-3.php on line 13

What type of error could this be?

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Re: fatal error class not found

Postby JonB » 22. February 2012 22:39

do you have a file that matches this:

http://localhost/PFBC/Form.php :?:

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Re: fatal error class not found

Postby thinker123 » 22. February 2012 23:40

Yes, the file is present and accessible via local host in the exact location you referenced. For your reference I have included the file below:

namespace PFBC;

/*This project's namespace structure is leveraged to autoload requested classes at runtime.*/
function Load($class) {
$file = __DIR__ . "/../" . str_replace("\\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class) . ".php";
include_once $file;

class Form extends Base {
private $elements = array();
private $prefix = "http";
private $values = array();
private $widthSuffix = "px";

protected $ajax;
protected $ajaxCallback;
protected $attributes;
protected $error;
/*jQueryUI themes can be previewed at http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/.*/
protected $jQueryUITheme = "smoothness";
protected $resourcesPath;
/*Prevents various automated from being automatically applied. Current options for this array
included jQuery, jQueryUI, jQueryUIButtons, focus, and style.*/
protected $prevent = array();
protected $view;
protected $width;

public function __construct($id = "pfbc", $width = "") {
"width" => $width,
"action" => basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]),
"id" => preg_replace("/\W/", "-", $id),
"method" => "post"

if(isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on")
$this->prefix = "https";

/*The Standard view class is applied by default and will be used unless a different view is
specified in the form's configure method*/
$this->view = new View\Standard;

$this->error = new Error\Standard;

/*The resourcePath property is used to identify where third-party resources needed by the
project are located. This property will automatically be set properly if the PFBC directory
is uploaded within the server's document root. If symbolic links are used to reference the PFBC
directory, you may need to set this property in the form's configure method or directly in this
$path = __DIR__ . "/Resources";
if(strpos($path, $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]) !== false)
$this->resourcesPath = substr($path, strlen($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]));
$this->resourcesPath = "/PFBC/Resources";

/*When a form is serialized and stored in the session, this function prevents any non-essential
information from being included.*/
public function __sleep() {
return array("attributes", "elements", "error");

public function addElement(Element $element) {
//If the element doesn't have a specified id, a generic identifier is applied.
$id = $element->getID();
$element->setID($this->attributes["id"] . "-element-" . sizeof($this->elements));
$this->elements[] = $element;

/*For ease-of-use, the form tag's encytype attribute is automatically set if the File element
class is added.*/
if($element instanceof Element\File)
$this->attributes["enctype"] = "multipart/form-data";

/*Values that have been set through the setValues method, either manually by the developer
or after validation errors, are applied to elements within this method.*/
private function applyValues() {
foreach($this->elements as $element) {
$name = $element->getName();
elseif(substr($name, -2) == "[]" && isset($this->values[substr($name, 0, -2)]))
$element->setValue($this->values[substr($name, 0, -2)]);

public static function clearErrors($id = "pfbc") {

public static function clearValues($id = "pfbc") {

/*This method parses the form's width property into a numeric width value and a width suffix - either px or %.
These values are used by the form's concrete view class.*/
public function formatWidthProperties() {
if(!empty($this->width)) {
if(substr($this->width, -1) == "%") {
$this->width = substr($this->width, 0, -1);
$this->widthSuffix = "%";
elseif(substr($this->width, -2) == "px")
$this->width = substr($this->width, 0, -2);
else {
/*If the form's width property is empty, 100% will be assumed.*/
$this->width = 100;
$this->widthSuffix = "%";

public function getAjax() {
return $this->ajax;

public function getElements() {
return $this->elements;

public function getError() {
return $this->error;

public function getId() {
return $this->attributes["id"];

public function getJQueryUIButtons() {
return $this->jQueryUIButtons;

public function getPrevent() {
return $this->prevent;

public function getResourcesPath() {
return $this->resourcesPath;

public function getErrors() {
$errors = array();
if(session_id() == "")
$errors[""] = array("Error: The pfbc project requires an active session to function properly. Simply add session_start() to your script before any output has been sent to the browser.");
else {
$errors = array();
$id = $this->attributes["id"];
$errors = $_SESSION["pfbc"][$id]["errors"];

return $errors;

public static function getSessionValues($id = "pfbc") {
$values = array();
$values = $_SESSION["pfbc"][$id]["values"];
return $values;

public function getWidth() {
return $this->width;

public function getWidthSuffix() {
return $this->widthSuffix;

public static function isValid($id = "pfbc", $clearValues = true) {
$valid = true;
/*The form's instance is recovered (unserialized) from the session.*/
$form = self::recover($id);
if(!empty($form)) {
$data = $_POST;
$data = $_GET;

/*Any values/errors stored in the session for this form are cleared.*/

/*Each element's value is saved in the session and checked against any validation rules applied
to the element.*/
if(!empty($form->elements)) {
foreach($form->elements as $element) {
$name = $element->getName();
if(substr($name, -2) == "[]")
$name = substr($name, 0, -2);

/*The File element must be handled differently b/c it uses the $_FILES superglobal and
not $_GET or $_POST.*/
if($element instanceof Element\File)
$data[$name] = $_FILES[$name]["name"];

if(isset($data[$name])) {
$value = $data[$name];
if(is_array($value)) {
$valueSize = sizeof($value);
for($v = 0; $v < $valueSize; ++$v)
$value[$v] = stripslashes($value[$v]);
$value = stripslashes($value);
self::setSessionValue($id, $name, $value);
$value = null;

/*If a validation error is found, the error message is saved in the session along with
the element's name.*/
if(!$element->isValid($value)) {
self::setError($id, $element->getErrors(), $name);
$valid = false;

/*If no validation errors were found, the form's session values are cleared.*/
if($valid) {

return $valid;

/*This method restores the serialized form instance.*/
private static function recover($id) {
return unserialize($_SESSION["pfbc"][$id]["form"]);

public function render($returnHTML = false) {

/*When validation errors occur, the form's submitted values are saved in a session
array, which allows them to be pre-populated when the user is redirected to the form.*/
$values = self::getSessionValues($this->attributes["id"]);




/*The form's instance is serialized and saved in a session variable for use during validation.*/

if($returnHTML) {
$html = ob_get_contents();
return $html;

/*When ajax is used to submit the form's data, validation errors need to be manually sent back to the
form using json.*/
public static function renderAjaxErrorResponse($id = "pfbc") {
$form = self::recover($id);

private function renderCSS() {

echo '<style type="text/css">';
foreach($this->elements as $element)
echo '</style>';

private function renderCSSFiles() {
$urls = array();
if(!in_array("jQueryUI", $this->prevent))
$urls[] = $this->prefix . "://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1/themes/" . $this->jQueryUITheme . "/jquery-ui.css";
foreach($this->elements as $element) {
$elementUrls = $element->getCSSFiles();
$urls = array_merge($urls, $elementUrls);

/*This section prevents duplicate css files from being loaded.*/
if(!empty($urls)) {
$urls = array_values(array_unique($urls));
foreach($urls as $url)
echo '<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="', $url, '"/>';

private function renderJS() {

echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
foreach($this->elements as $element)

$id = $this->attributes["id"];

echo 'jQuery(document).ready(function() {';
/*jQuery is used to set the focus of the form's initial element.*/
if(!in_array("focus", $this->prevent))
echo 'jQuery("#', $id, ' :input:visible:enabled:first").focus();';

foreach($this->elements as $element)

/*For ajax, an anonymous onsubmit javascript function is bound to the form using jQuery. jQuery's
serialize function is used to grab each element's name/value pair.*/
if(!empty($this->ajax)) {
echo 'jQuery("#', $id, '").bind("submit", function() {';
echo <<<JS
url: "{$this->attributes["action"]}",
type: "{$this->attributes["method"]}",
data: jQuery("#$id").serialize(),
success: function(response) {
if(response != undefined && typeof response == "object" && response.errors) {
echo <<<JS
jQuery("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: jQuery("#$id").offset().top }, 500 );
else {
/*A callback function can be specified to handle any post submission events.*/
echo $this->ajaxCallback, "(response);";
echo <<<JS
return false;


echo <<<JS

private function renderJSFiles() {
$urls = array();
if(!in_array("jQuery", $this->prevent))
$urls[] = $this->prefix . "://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js";
if(!in_array("jQueryUI", $this->prevent))
$urls[] = $this->prefix . "://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1/jquery-ui.min.js";
foreach($this->elements as $element) {
$elementUrls = $element->getJSFiles();
$urls = array_merge($urls, $elementUrls);

/*This section prevents duplicate css files from being loaded.*/
if(!empty($urls)) {
$urls = array_values(array_unique($urls));
foreach($urls as $url)
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="', $url, '"></script>';

/*The save method serialized the form's instance and saves it in the session.*/
private function save() {
$_SESSION["pfbc"][$this->attributes["id"]]["form"] = serialize($this);

/*Valldation errors are saved in the session after the form submission, and will be displayed to the user
when redirected back to the form.*/
public static function setError($id, $errors, $element = "") {
$errors = array($errors);
$_SESSION["pfbc"][$id]["errors"][$element] = array();

foreach($errors as $error)
$_SESSION["pfbc"][$id]["errors"][$element][] = $error;

public static function setSessionValue($id, $element, $value) {
$_SESSION["pfbc"][$id]["values"][$element] = $value;

/*An associative array is used to pre-populate form elements. The keys of this array correspond with
the element names.*/
public function setValues(array $values) {
$this->values = array_merge($this->values, $values);

Thank you for your response, it's much appreciated.
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Joined: 22. February 2012 20:39
Operating System: windows 7 professional

Re: fatal error class not found

Postby Altrea » 22. February 2012 23:45

Hi thinker123,

The class is encapsulated into a namespace.
I don't see any line of code in your sourcecode, where you access the namespace. You don't use the "use"-Syntax and you don't use the full namespace classname.
So the message is correct. The class is not accessable in the global scope.

best wishes,
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