How to open command line window?

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How to open command line window?

Postby Macquid » 31. January 2012 13:02

Installed XAMPP 1.7.7 on Win7 64. After resolving port 80 issue, everything appears to be working fine.

BUT how do I open a command line window, equivalent to what I previously had using PuTTY to access my remote site?

Google searches didn't enlighten me enough to accomplish this, guess I'm still too much a n00b.

Thanks for any help you can provide...
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Re: How to open command line window?

Postby JonB » 31. January 2012 14:48

'xampp-Shell' in Control Panel.

Just remember this is still a Windows Environment, so its 'dir' and not 'ls -l' etc. :)

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Re: How to open command line window?

Postby Macquid » 31. January 2012 15:02

Thanks JonB

That's the "XAMPP Control Panel" you mean right?... Because I've hunted "high and low" :) but I can't find any shell button or link any where on it... just START, STOP, ADMIN Service, SCM... etc.!
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Re: How to open command line window?

Postby Altrea » 31. January 2012 19:37

Hi Macquid,

Macquid wrote:That's the "XAMPP Control Panel" you mean right?... Because I've hunted "high and low" :) but I can't find any shell button or link any where on it... just START, STOP, ADMIN Service, SCM... etc.!

It's implemented in the xampp-control-3-beta.exe.

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Re: How to open command line window?

Postby Macquid » 31. January 2012 21:43

Thank you very much Altrea!
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