[will never be solved for this user]xampp just stops working

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[will never be solved for this user]xampp just stops working

Postby SandiTank » 29. January 2012 13:31


i have had xampp on Windows7 for a year now. more or less it is working fine. my website has around 10,000 visitors daily and at certain moments it reaches 500 at the same time.

i havent touched a machine or installed anything on it but today i am experiencing problems:

xampp/apache suddenly dies. website is not responding anymore. in the log i dont see any error that would give me a hint what went wrong. similar thing happened before and i deleted a LOG file (which was 1.4GB) and after that everything was back to normal. right now log is very small. i also made it 0 bytes and i can see xampp using both, access & error log.

but why suddenly after 10 minutes, apache goes down? website is just not responding.

its it not a router because i tested everything. i restart router - same thing. i restart pc - website is back online. xampp loads automatically, i dont need to clicke it. so the conclusion is: if i restart xampp, website comes back. otherwise just nothing.... waiting waiting

what could this be?

another thing i noticed - but this has been like this for a year. when i notice site is down, i open xampp icon, click STOP apache, then START apache. if i click 1x, xampp says "starting..." but green light doesnt go bright. i have to click 3x and wait... then apache will be started. i just wanted to address this to see if something is misconfigured. while if i reboot, xampp starts everything automatically. i dont think this is an issue because its like this since 1 year ago.

so what could suddenly make xampp/apache stop responding? any ideas? traffic is not high, same as always.

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Re: xampp just stops working

Postby SandiTank » 29. January 2012 15:21

any xampp representative/support here?
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Re: xampp just stops working

Postby Altrea » 29. January 2012 17:16

Hi SandiTank,

SandiTank wrote:any xampp representative/support here?

Do you think less than 2 hours has to be enough time to get a helpful response on a non profit board like this?
If you don't have the patience to wait for a response, you have to spend some money to pay a freelancer for that.

All of the helpers here have their own jobs, families, friends and hobbies. They spend their free time to help people to solve their problems.

Sometimes an answer can last a day or more. Not every Helper does have the same experience and knowledge to get every problem solved.

Your first response will be to edit your os information. Windows 7 Embedded Standard Edition 32Bit needs a complete other support than Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit SP1. This is an information which is needed for nearly any support request.

best wishes,
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Re: xampp just stops working

Postby SandiTank » 29. January 2012 20:12

windows 7 professional
if xampp is serious business then they will help... they, not you.
you spend so much time babbling about useless thing...
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Re: xampp just stops working

Postby Altrea » 29. January 2012 20:14

SandiTank wrote:windows 7 professional

Again, this information is not enough.

SandiTank wrote:if xampp is serious business then they will help...

It's not a business. It is non profit.

SandiTank wrote:they, not you.
you spend so much time babbling about useless thing...

No problem. I will not help you any more. Good luck with your problem.

best wishes,
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Re: xampp just stops working

Postby SandiTank » 29. January 2012 20:48

you didnt help before... how could you help now? i suggest you remove your comments and let those who know help...
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Re: xampp just stops working

Postby JonB » 29. January 2012 23:23

SandiTank - I hate to break this to you BUT "Virginia, THERE IS NO XAMPP". What there is is probably 20 people, all unpaid volunteers who make all this stuff work. The developers who make the compilations, and create the configuration files and 'packages' and the volunteers (like ourselves) who answer the questions. DItto (except larger numbers) for Apache, PHP, Perl and the rest of the pieces that make up XAMPP. Collections of people (very few of whom get paid).

Say what you want - go off the rails or whatever - XAMPP isn't a company or anything you have probably thought of (well, clearly not much thinking has been used so far). And, at the moment, you are pi&&ing off the only people who can help you. Altrea, myself and Sharley are 'the masters of this domain' - Note the "AF Moderator" next to Altrea's name (and mine) then cruise down to the bottom of the index and note that Green means Global Moderator - how do you think that got there??? Must have been "XAMPP" huh?

And HERE is the first real problem -

my website has around 10,000 visitors daily and at certain moments it reaches 500 at the same time.

Read the FAQ, XAMPP is not intended for a production environment. You chose the wrong tool, fool. :shock:

The default configuration is not good from a security point of view and it's not secure enough for a production environment - please don't use XAMPP in such environment.

If you want guaranteed response time, and on-demand support save your Euros and buy a commercial distribution of a server product or hire a consultant (like me -- that's what I do). Otherwise, follow the rules, post the OS version correctly and decide to wait your turn for the free hand-outs (as that is what this is).

A final parting note (which may explain things) and is totally free (just like the XAMPP download you didn't pay for).

IF you are actually running Windows 7, which is a DESKTOP operating system, at the volume you are at, you may well have run into an engineered speed bump. I suggest you look in the Event Viewer. <== hint it might not be an XAMPP issue. I certainly don't know this to be 'for sure', but you say you don't have errors in the error log. You may also have run into hardware or 'pipe size' issues, at 500 concurrent users you need a VPS in a server farm, not XAMPP in your dairy shed.

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Re: xampp just stops working

Postby SandiTank » 30. January 2012 16:19

lots of things dont make sense
its apache that is behind, right? so it should work unless you guys limited it in some way

why would someone want to work on something that cannot handle 500 users? sorry fools (i am using your word) but that is waste of time...
why the hell bother?

i would never pay for something that you say its *crap* and it cant work for 500 users. if it would support 100,000 users, trust me, i give you $1000 right now. i dont have a problem with that.

20 people working on this and its that limited? come on guys... really, better do something else.

p.s. i deleted all log files and now its working. eventhough some were 100kb big in size. take a look at that issue...
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Re: xampp just stops working

Postby JonB » 30. January 2012 16:31

What is STUPID, is that you did not bother to read anything before you installed it, and/or are too cheap or poor to pay for anything.

XAMMP is for development. AND we did not cripple it (Apache) - as I said, look to your OS for the problem.

BTW, $1000 will just about pay for a copy of Windows Server 2008 (and it has IIS) and will run Apache as well. There is always the 'right way' to build a stack for production - install the standalone versions of the tools on a Server optimized OS -- such as A Linux distro for servers or the very fine Windows Server 2008 R2.

We acknowledge you don't like the facts, so do us all a favor, un-install XAMPP, get the right tools and do something else.

now please go home.
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Re: xampp just stops working

Postby SandiTank » 01. February 2012 15:06

angry guys who have no experience.
i suggest you start some real-hard work because just doing something that doesnt even work well will get you nowhere...
i would never work on a project that would be suitable only for development unless i am super bored or super inexperienced and i cant make any money...

i am at home
are you? :-)))
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Re: xampp just stops working

Postby JonB » 01. February 2012 15:23

Let me ask you a question, since you are so bright, knowledgeable, ambitious and capable??? :shock:

"Then why did you install XAMPP in the first place"???

just asking...
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Re: xampp just stops working

Postby Altrea » 01. February 2012 23:28

Do not feed the trolls 8)
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