download XAMMP for SQL & MYSQL

Problems with the Windows version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

download XAMMP for SQL & MYSQL

Postby alleyzkat » 27. January 2012 18:15

I am taking a course through, I was given instructions to download XAMMP from When I got to that site I was directed to a Lynda site which told me to download it from the page shown which for Win had XAMMP-win32-1.71-installer.exe. I was told it couldn't be verified but downloaded anyway. I chose "English" for the language and received a message " MS Vista: note because an activated windows Vista user account control on your sys, some functions of XAMMP are probably restricted. UAC avoid to install XAMMP to C/program files (x86) because of not enough write permission or deactivate UNC win msconfig of the setup." I am not running win vista so i figured it did not apply to me. Every thing extracted and installed. When I went to the control panel to open MYSQL it opened port 3306. When i tried to start Apache i get a busy message for port 80 "busy". I don't believe anything else in on port 80. I don't know how to check or correct it if I need to. I am new at this and trying to learn to develop web pages etc. I am not running a Skype program, and cant figure out how to rectify this.I have tried it several times deleting the previous download prior to downloading the new one. Lynda directed me to Microsoft who directed me to you. HELP PLEASE.
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Re: download XAMMP for SQL & MYSQL

Postby Sharley » 28. January 2012 02:34

No need to use large text, it is not required.

A better suggestion is to split your single continuous paragraph into readable sections with a line break between, much like I do - it is easier to read when there are lots of words in a post.

There are some links at the end of this post that give instructions how to post and how to search, perhaps you could read them before posting again.
Thanks. :)

First you should only download XAMPP from the official Apache Friends download links and if you do not want to install the latest version 1.7.7 then you can download the version of your choice from here:
SourceForge XAMPP File Repository

You can uninstall and reinstall other versions by using an alternate to the installer exe file namely the zip file or 7zip file by following these simple instructions.

If you use XAMPP 1.7.7 then you can use the latest Control Panel Version 3 with links found in the forum stickies or in my signature - this does not work in 1.7.1

UAC applies to Windows 7 just as much as Vista.
XAMPP has not hard coded for W7 yet so you need to disable UAC.
There are plenty of pages with instruction that can be found using Google and here is just one:

You should also be logged into W7 as an administrator to run a web server.

Do not install XAMPP to a folder with spaces or special characters.
C:\Program Files (x86)\xampp
should not be used as MySQL may not work correctly.
Instead install to the root of the C: drive so you end up with

Port 80 may be in use by the default Windows web server IIS (aka. World Wide Publishing).
This will have to be disabled completely if you want to use XAMPP in it's default state (recommended).

Open a command prompt and issue this command and it will tell you what is using port 80:
netstat -ano |findstr "80"

New users may find self help by reading these pages:

readme_en.txt file in the xampp folder.

Some useful reading that may help you help us to find suitable solutions:

And use the forum search facility before posting as most issues have already been covered.

Best wishes. :)
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