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PHP.ini file location question

PostPosted: 28. November 2011 13:34
by DeborahP
I'm learning PHP and MySQL and have just dowloaded all the files. During my testing process I had to locate my php.ini file. According to my php info script it's located in c:windows but I can't find it.

Is this a simple case of downloading this file specifically and if so, does anyone have a link to it? (I've used the latest xamp download for windows pack).


Re: PHP.ini file location question

PostPosted: 28. November 2011 14:01
by kleinweby
The php.ini you're looking for is in \xampp\php\php.ini. (See also ... onfigfiles)

Re: PHP.ini file location question

PostPosted: 28. November 2011 14:13
by DeborahP
Hi kleinweby - thanks for coming back to me so quickly. However, I'm sorry to say but the file is not there.
If I go to xamp\php\ I can find files called php.ini-development and php.ini-production but not just a stand alone php.ini file. I've also looked in C:windows which is where my php info script said it was but it's definately not there. I've even tried searching the whole computer for anything that might relate but to no avail. I'm guessing that for some reason this file didn't download with the pack and I need to try again but not sure if there's a way of just downloading this file specifically.

Re: PHP.ini file location question

PostPosted: 28. November 2011 14:27
by kleinweby
Just downloaded the last XAMPP for windows myself and there should be definitly a php.ini in xampp\php\. Best is probably for you to redownload/reunpack XAMPP.

Re: PHP.ini file location question

PostPosted: 28. November 2011 19:44
by Sharley
If, after following the recommendation by kleinwebby to download a fresh copy, you still find that there is no php.ini then this may be related to a Windows setting that is hiding file extensions for known file types.

This setting can usually be found in the Windows Control Panel under Folder Options>View>remove the tick from Hide extensions for known file types.

Also you may benefit from selecting Show hidden files and folders.

Here is a link that may help you find Folder Options in Vista:

Best wishes. :)

Re: PHP.ini file location question

PostPosted: 29. November 2011 00:00
by appleman001
Hi all, I had the same problem. Could not find php.ini and hidden files was set to on. Seems like something went wrong with the install or download. Downloaded it again and all was working as expected. Thanks for everyone`s help!

Re: PHP.ini file location question

PostPosted: 29. November 2011 13:58
by DeborahP
Hi All

Hidden files set to be viewed and I re-downloaded the files but it's still not there. Yet as it was downloading I actually saw it come up (as it scrolls through everything that's being downloaded), so my computer does think that it's downloaded the php.ini file.

I'll get by without it for now as I don't want to re-install yet again but will maybe try again in a few days.

Thanks for all your help. Maybe it's this latest version that's got a bit of a glitch that some computers have a problem with (obviously it would be mine!!).

Everything's working ok so far regardless. I'm in the early days of learning, so is it a major issue if I never find the file?


Re: PHP.ini file location question

PostPosted: 29. November 2011 14:07
by Sharley
You may need to edit the php.ini file at some stage.

In that same folder can you see pear.ini ?

No need to install again but download the zip or 7zip version and drag the php.ini file from the archive into the C:\xampp\php folder.

You will know for sure then that the file is present.

If it asks to overwrite the file then you will also know that the original php.ini file is also present but a setting in Windows is still hiding it.

Good luck. :)

Re: PHP.ini file location question

PostPosted: 29. November 2011 15:21
by DeborahP
Thanks Sharley

This is a great idea of dragging just the bit I need from the zip file. Will try that. Can't find pear.ini either, so clearly there's some bits either not downloaded or still hidden. Will try your solution and see how I get on.

