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Failed to Change port number

PostPosted: 25. November 2011 05:37
by 00zhang
Sorry, can't understand German, so I post in English.

I installed XAMPP(shoulde be 1.7.3) onto Window 7, and I knew I have another program (Team Viewer) listening to 80 port. So I modified:



Code: Select all
#Listen [::]:80
Listen 80


Code: Select all
#Listen [::]:80
Listen 13000


Code: Select all
ServerName localhost:80


Code: Select all
ServerName localhost:13000

and I still failed to start Apache service, and I noticed that the XAMPP control panel always prompted that: Apache started (port 80)

why is that? why it said '80' instead of '13000'?

And finally I shut down Team Viewer, then I can start Apache, and I can access http://localhost:13000 in browser

So my question is, there are two 'port number' that relate to Apache service? And the setting parameters in httpd.conf only care one of them?

Why I still have to shut down other programs that occupy 80 port to run Apache server?


Re: Failed to Change port number

PostPosted: 25. November 2011 06:22
by Sharley
00zhang wrote:Sorry, can't understand German, so I post in English.
That is not permitted.
Your post has been moved here because you posted in English in a German language only forum.

Always read the \xampp\apache\logs\error.log file when Apache can't start.

Apache web server needs port 80 and port 443 free to be able to start using the default settings.

Apache is a web server and so is using the correct ports.

Team Viewer is not a web server but is incorrectly using the web server ports 80 and 443
So change the ports that Team Viewer uses not your web server.

The Control Panel is hard coded with the port 80 info.

In later versions of XAMPP the Control Panel port info is not hard coded.

New users can find self help by reading these first:
readme_en.txt file in the xampp folder.

Some useful reading that may help you help us to find suitable solutions: