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Changing port in httpd.conf (Vista) 1.7.7 [SOLVED]

PostPosted: 15. October 2011 22:38
by jeffhuber
Thanks for your help.

Running Windows Vista - no skype port conflict
XAMPP version 1.7.7 - Control panel version 3

On a fresh install on XAMPP (phpMyAdmin working fine) - I go into, xampp -> apache -> conf ->httpd.conf, to redirect localhost to localhost:8888. (trying to work with partner's Mac's WAMP which auto uses 8888)

Change: Line 47: from Listen 80 to Listen 8888 Line 176: from ServerName localhost:80 to ServerName localhost:8888

This change breaks Phpmyadmin and gives me the error: Cannot connect: invalid settings.

(Note I did not change any mySql settings from the defaults - and didnt change anything in the phpMyAdmin-> file.)

Let me know if you have any questions! Much appreciated!!

Re: XAMPP - Changing port for Apache in httpd.conf from 80 t

PostPosted: 15. October 2011 22:44
by Altrea
I have tried that too but can access phpmyadmin as normal.

can you access the XAMPP Administration page? => http://localhost:8888/xampp/

Re: XAMPP - Changing port for Apache in httpd.conf from 80 t

PostPosted: 15. October 2011 22:53
by jeffhuber

As a COMPLETE and utter fluke - I have no other explanation - I may have 'solved' part of it.

After changing my DocumentRoot (in httpd.conf) from "C:/xampp/htdocs/Dropbox" to "C:/xampp/htdocs" and back again to "C:/xampp/htdocs/Dropbox". I can now load my default index page at localhost:8888 (with .htaccess running) as well as access localhost:8888/phpmyadmin fine.

I can not access localhost:8888/xampp while the DocumentRoot is set to "C:/xampp/htdocs/Dropbox" however. If I change the DocumentRoot back to "C:/xampp/htdocs/" - I can access Xampp administration fine.

Hope this helps future people that run across this problem. Sorry I could not be more help.

Re: XAMPP - Changing port for Apache in httpd.conf from 80 t

PostPosted: 15. October 2011 23:00
by Altrea
Okay. Next time please you should give us all information which could be needed to solve your problem.
The change of the DocumentRoot can be such an information. Anything which is not XAMPP default setting.

In your case it was maybe not the change of the DocumentRoot but a Browser cache issue.
But the most importing thing is that it start running and your problem is solved :D