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Use LDAP extension ?

PostPosted: 22. September 2011 07:05
by lemoineo
from freash install 1.7.7, I active php_ldap.dll,
and this error appairs :
"cette application n'a pas pu démarrer car libsas.dll est introuvable. La réinstallation de cette application peut corriger ce probleme"
/php/ext/php_ldap.dll exist
/php/libsas.dll exist so

Can you help ?

Re: Use LDAP extension ?

PostPosted: 22. September 2011 07:26
by Sharley
You will need to uncomment this extension in the \xampp\php\php.ini file:
Code: Select all

Save the file and restart Apache and try again.

Good luck :)

Re: Use LDAP extension ?

PostPosted: 22. September 2011 09:58
by lemoineo
Sharley wrote:You will need to uncomment this extension in the \xampp\php\php.ini file:
Code: Select all

Save the file and restart Apache and try again.

Good luck :)

with the ";", no problem, but no fonctions LDAP :-(
with no ";", i use LDAP fonctions normally in 1.7.3 but the 1.7.7 change and make the error ! :twisted:


Re: Use LDAP extension ?

PostPosted: 22. September 2011 13:48
by steini
I've even passed on to the Windows developer.


Re: Use LDAP extension ?

PostPosted: 28. September 2011 15:20
by abumalek
Did u find a solution ? i have the same issue, APACHE Won't start when i uncomment the Ldap extention
even if the file exist,

(Xampp 1.7.7 , with SEVEN)
thank you

Re: Use LDAP extension ?

PostPosted: 28. September 2011 21:25
by Sharley
abumalek wrote:...APACHE Won't start when i uncomment the Ldap extention
even if the file exist,
Read the \xampp\apache\logs\error.log file for clues why Apache can't start.

To the other posters, I have had developer response that they are looking into the issue as time permits - subscribe to the topic to be notified of replies

Good luck :)

Re: Use LDAP extension ?

PostPosted: 28. September 2011 22:44
by hackattack142
This was a tricky one but I think I have made some progress on it and found a workaround that allows this extension to load.

When I uncomment
Code: Select all
from "xampp/php/php.ini", I also recieve a PHP warning when starting Apache.

For context, I am using Windows 7 SP1 x64 and XAMPP 1.7.7

I believe it is a known issue from what I have been reading that Apache stops responding and crashes on Windows 7 (not sure if 64-bit only) if PHP encounters a warning/error on startup.

The Apache error log does not have any errors/warnings in it after this crash.

I did look in the Windows Event Log and this is the entry
Code: Select all
Faulting application name: httpd.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4e6b3136
Faulting module name: php5ts.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x4e537a04
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000f8a80
Faulting process id: 0x3cbc
Faulting application start time: 0x01cc7e23d078ddb7
Faulting application path: c:\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe
Faulting module path: C:\xampp\php\php5ts.dll
Report Id: 21d281ab-ea18-11e0-a221-005056c00008

The message I recieve when starting Apache after uncommenting the above is
Code: Select all
Warning PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '\xampp\php\ext\php_ldap.dll' - %1 is not a valid Win32 application

I looked up the requirements for this extension and this is what the PHP manual ( ... nsions.php) states
Code: Select all
php_ldap.dll    LDAP functions    PHP <= 4.2.0 requires libsasl.dll (bundled), PHP >= 4.3.0 requires libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll (bundled)

I checked and both of these files exist in the "xampp/php" directory. These file also exist in the "xampp/apache/bin" directory but are a different size (different versions?).

This error from what I have read implies that 64-bit and 32-bit components are not playing nicely together.

After a very long list of things I tried, I finally found something that made it work. I added "C:\xampp\php" to the beginning of my PATH environment variable (Note: After modifying the PATH variable, you want to either stop Apache and close/reopen the Control Panel or reboot your computer). After doing this, I was able to start Apache with that extension enabled and it appears on the phpinfo() page. I suspect that it is not finding the required libraries for whatever reason in the root PHP folder. I hope this is enough information to get the underlying issue fixed.

Re: Use LDAP extension ?

PostPosted: 28. September 2011 22:55
by Sharley
Thanks for the detailed post, I have asked kvo the Windows developer to take a look at it with a view to responding - probably an available time issue, also it was just on midnight in Germany when I contacted him.


Re: Use LDAP extension ?

PostPosted: 29. September 2011 08:52
by kvo
Perhaps you can try copy the apache/bin/ssleay32.dll & libeay32.dll to php/. With overwriting these files, you have the same ssl version for apache and php. You can try this in the other direction also: Copy these files form php/ to apache/bin. But it is a mystery problem. Perhaps an 64bit only issue. So i am not sure if my suggestion will fix your problem.

Re: Use LDAP extension ?

PostPosted: 30. September 2011 04:08
by hackattack142
I tried copying the files in both directions but it does not fix the problem. My guess is that the issue is specific to 64 bit systems unless someone is having the problem with 32 bit but the two other people who reported the problem did not specify which architecture they were using.

I was looking for way to dynamically modify the environment variables loaded when Apache is started. PHP does not appear to have any such directives for the php.ini file. I was hoping I could do this with the "env_module" in Apache and tag the "xampp/php" path into the internal Apache PATH variable but I could not get this to work. I am not familiar with the syntax of this module or have any experience with it so I may just be doing it wrong. That module is used in "xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-xampp.conf".

Use LDAP extension ?

PostPosted: 06. October 2011 07:28
by lemoineo
I use Windows XP 32bits SP3 3GoRam
(Windows 7 is starting in my society)
and in xampp 1.7.3 , there is no problem with the extension php_ldap.dll

The problem is close !
The libsasl.dll was in the php directory
and in 1.7.3, this dll was in apache/bin directory

move the dll and restart the xampp !!

:roll: :lol:

Re: Use LDAP extension ?

PostPosted: 07. October 2011 01:34
by hackattack142
I have copied the "libsasl.dll" from the "xampp/php" directory into the "xampp/apache/bin" directory, uncommented the "extension=php_ldap.dll" in "xampp/php/php.ini", and started Apache. It loaded without any errors this time and the "ldap" section appears on the "phpinfo()" page. That was a good catch but I find it a bit confusing as the PHP manual suggests that the version of PHP XAMPP is using is not dependent on that file.

Re: Use LDAP extension ?

PostPosted: 21. October 2011 16:53
by aws
Registered to post that moving that libsasl.dll in Win 7 Pro x 64 (Xamp 1.7.7) solved the problem of Apache not starting after enabling LDAP.
Quite strange --and no way I'd have ever figured that out. Thanks for the help

Re: Use LDAP extension ?

PostPosted: 21. October 2011 22:40
by hackattack142
To be clear on this issue, the underlying problem is that Apache cannot see those files. Normally, you would just add your "php" installation directory to your PATH environmental variable and it would achieve the same thing. XAMPP aims to be fairly self-contained and not modify the system (registry / environment) which is why this is a problem. Copying the files to the Apache directory is more of a workaround than a fix.

Re: Use LDAP extension ?

PostPosted: 03. November 2011 16:27
by gseroul
I have exactly the same problem. I just switch from windows XP 32 bits XAMPP 1.7.3 to windows 7 64 bits XAMPP 1.7.7 and had the same problem. I copy the dll and this workaround is working. I also need to copy the libpq.dll as I am using the postgresql extension.