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Configuration Help

PostPosted: 27. August 2011 16:12
by ForbiddenVirtue
I've recently been given the task to fix someone elses mess, but it's not as simple as it looked... We've got a Windows Server 2008 running with Xampp, I've tried installing Joomla to get rid of the e107 they are currently running... I must have overlooked something important because it simply will not send a registration e-mail whatso-ever.

Additional problem would be that they want to use hotmail email adresses instead over custom emails... and I don't know how to configure the e-mail settings for hotmail e-mailadresses... Can anyone assist me in this matter?

Re: Configuration Help

PostPosted: 28. August 2011 03:40
by Sharley
If you are using XAMPP 1.7.4 then the sendmail feature included would not help to establish and authorize a secure connection to Hotmail.

To save repeating everything I have already posted on this sendmail issue please have a read of these Advanced Forum Search Results and see if they help with understanding what you may need to do to achieve your desired result - somewhere in the results it sets out to explain that you may need to download the latest fake sendmail and replace the existing version to get Hotmail, Gmail etc. to work over a secure connection or indeed to authenticate your email credentials user/pass.

Let me know back if you get to a point that stops you moving forward.

Good luck.